Chapter 8 - 'Get up offa that thing, and dance until you feel better'

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“You are dismissed for the final time this week. I hope this will be the only time I see you here Carly! As for you Nathan, I hope this will be the LAST time I see you here.” said Mrs grey. I suppressed a laugh, Nathan has had so many detentions even he can't keep up. Mrs Grey gave us an exceedingly long talk about the dangers of messing around in a classroom. I wasn't listening one bit. Her voice droned on and on while simple things caught my attention, suddenly the walls seemed so interesting.

“Alright, rant over. You can go home now,” I tuned it to hear that! Mrs Grey walked off and I briskly walked out of the school to get home.

“Carly!” I heard Nathans voice call my name. I turned around to face him.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“Are you going to that party tonight?” he asked me. He already knew I was?

“Er yeah? Are you going?”

“Yeah, I’m taking a few of the guys too, do you need a lift? Because Simon said he has room in his car,”

“No thanks, I’m getting a taxi with Tashie,” I told him.

“Oh okay...see you there,” He said awkwardly. He was acting pretty odd, usually he is full of arrogance but he seemed somewhat...shy?

“Yeah, bye Nathan,” I said before continuing my journey home.

When I finally arrived home I made some pasta for tea, I actually offered Jane some but she declined my offer. That was probably the first time I have spoken to her all week without an argument following it. Before I knew It, it was seven o'clock and Tashie was at my door.

I ran down the stairs and went to answer the door. “Hey you!” I said letting her inside. Tashie had a sequined dress on and still had her rollers in. “Hey,” She replied giving me a hug.

“Your dress is awesome. Is it new?” I asked her.

“No I bought it ages ago but never had a chance to wear it,” she replied. It looked amazing on her!

The two of us went up to my bedroom and went straight to my wardrobe. I took out every single dress I own and flopped it onto my bed. Tashie was taking out her rollers whilst I did my make-up. I went for my usual make-up but added some light silver eye shadow and rosy lip gloss. Once Tashie had finished releasing her rollers her hair looked sensational! Tashie naturally has ringlet curls but she really suits the larger curls.

“Wow, you look great, Tash!” I told her.

She stood up and did a twirl, “Why thank you!” she said twirling a piece of her hair in her hand, I laughed at her. “Now we need to pick a dress for you!” she said rummaging through the other-worldly stack of dresses. 

“What about this one?” she asked holding up a red dress which had a zip down the front. I hadn't seen that one in ages!

“I don't think I have ever worn that before, I wonder why?” I queried. I took it out of Tashies hand and started to undress so that I could try it on. Once I pulled the dress up, I went to get the zip up. The zip was a tight squeeze over my chest, I have quite a...let's say "full chest", so the zip didn't quite close. “That's why I have never worn it,” I said trying to get the zip fully up. It honestly didn't budge past the equator. Tashie was laughing at me so hard that she fell onto the floor. Was it really that funny? I laughed slightly too.

“Kris will love you in that!” she joked.

“I look like a ratchet trollop!” I said in horror. Once Tashie calmed herself she picked out another dress for me to try on. It was a tight black dress with a lace top. I love this dress but I don't often get the opportunity to wear it. “This will be perfect,” I said before putting it on. The dress slipped on with ease.

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