Chapter 24 - 'I have never felt so weak'

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Kris' POV.

“Hey, your dad said I'd find you here,” I said walking into Carlys kitchen before taking her into a warm hug. She hugged me back with pleasure. “Oh hey!” It felt so good to have her in my arms again. I haven't seen her for about four days now and I have really missed her! I can't stop worrying about her, I want nothing more than to be with her everyday telling her I love her and that she is doing amazing to be coping the way she is. But I understand this is a family issue and she doesn't need me bothering her.

I was surprised when Carly told me that her mum wanted to meet me! I didn't think that would be on her list of priorities right now. I’m quite nervous about it though, I have no idea what she'll be like! I don't know what sort of things to say to her either. I don't want to say 'sorry to hear about the cancer' or 'I hope you're well' because she might think I’m being rude. I really want her to like me!

“Thank you so much for doing this today, it's going to make my mum so happy to finally meet you,” said Carly stealing me from my thoughts. I smiled down at her and gently kissed her forehead. “It's okay sweetie, I'd do anything to make you happy,” I told her genuinely. A whisper of a smile played on her lips before she reached up to kiss me softly. My heart pounded against my chest as she did so. I can't get enough of her kisses. She's just too addicting!

Jamies POV.

I walked through the hall and caught a glimpse of my sister kissing that boyfriend of hers in the kitchen. I sighed and rolled my eyes. She's gonna get hurt, I tried to warn her but she wouldn't listen to me. I actually do believe that Kris has feelings for her and from what dad has said he seems to be a nice guy. But I can't help but feel protective of my little sister. They're both young so I’m not feeling optimistic about the length of this relationship. It's not often teenage 'love' lasts long.

I know her well enough to know that when mum passes she will be an emotional wreck. I’m just scared that Kris will make her feel even worse. If he pulls a wrong move she might take it to heart and crumble even more! “Jamie, look at this,” said dad from behind me. I flinched slightly at the sound of voice. It was only then that I realised that I was still watching the two of them in the kitchen. “Look at what?” I asked him.

“Look at them. Do you see how happy he is just to be around her?” he said quietly. I cleared my throat and turned back to look at them. Kris was helping Carly into her jacket, he had a small smile on his lips as he looked at her. She wasn't doing anything particularly funny or amusing, he was just smiling at her.

“What about it?” I asked.

“If that's not true love then what is? I’ve never seen anything like it! Why can't you see how much that boy cares about her?” I paused...he's right. It's so obvious he loves her. Anyone could see it, over the time I’ve been here I’ve grown to realise that.

“You're right. But that's not what I’m worried about anymore....I guess I’m just scared that if anything does go wrong with them...Carly is gonna be broken,” I told him.

“It's good that you're looking out for her and all, but I’m so sure about Kris! I don't know what it is but something tells me this is for the long haul. Just trust me...” he said seriously. I nodded and walked away to the bathroom. I guess I will just have to take his word for it!

Kris' POV.

“You ready?” I asked her.

“Yeah, lets go,” she said quietly. Carly seems a bit down today, well I don't blame her but she's even more quiet than the last time I saw her. I held tight onto her hand as we walked out of her house to my car. I took the morning off school today so that I could go to visit her mum. I will have to get back by morning interval but if I’m late it's no biggie, I will stay as long as Carly wants me to stay.

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