Chapter 25 - 'The last time I say goodbye'

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Carlys POV.

Nineteen. That's how many days it's been since the horrific reveal of my mothers cancer struggle. Nineteen days. More than two weeks, less than three...That's nineteen days no sleep, minimal food and maximal tears. I’m surprised my body is coping and I’m surprised that everyone around me doesn't hate my guts yet. All I do is moan, cry, vent....and if I’m not doing that I’m silent. I try to stick to the silent option as much as possible, everyone has enough of their own issues not to be bothered with mine.

Mums cancer is all I think about, it's killing her slowly. My stomach turns at the thought. I know she doesn't have long. But I’m just too scared to face the truth.

I was quickly scraping a brush through my hair as Jamie softly came into my room. Lately we have been speaking a bit more than before. Our conversations haven't been normal ones though, they're usually just about mum or what's for supper. “Emm...Carly? Can we talk?” he said gently before sitting down on my bed. I looked at him skeptically, studying his sincere face at the same time. Something told me this was going to be good...Jamie looked back at me waiting for a response. “...Sure,” I said tucking my legs up to my chest so that I could wrap my arms around them.

“I think we need to make peace...I miss my little sister, we haven't even caught up since I’ve been back! I know there's a lot going on right now with mum and everything, but I wish I spent more of my time here with you...instead of arguing with you and being such a prick, I should have been supporting you and looking after you. I’m sorry Carly...I should never have said those things...” he said looking into my eyes with his chocolate pair. It was the first time in ages that I properly looked into his, his eyes are the perfect double of mums. I struggled a small smile and swept away a strand of hair from my face.

“It's okay Jamie...I shouldn't have been so sensitive. I know you only did it to look out for me,”

“No, you had every right to be upset! I wasn't even thinking straight. I was're so important to me and I knew I wouldn't be able to bare it if you were heartbroken by Kris. You know what I’m like, no boy will ever be good enough for you in my eyes. You deserve the best. But you know what...I’ve started to realise that maybe Kris is good enough for you. He clearly loves you...and I know you love him too,” he said with a amused smile on his lips. I truly smiled back at him. I’ve missed my brother so much, I’ve missed these chats, I’ve missed his over protective nature.

I let a tear escape me as I crushed him into a hug. He hugged me back even tighter, so tight in fact that I released a small squeak in pain! “Sorry,” he said as he loosened his grip on me. I chuckled and wiped away the moisture on my cheeks. Jamie let me go before quickly scooping me onto his lap for more cuddles. “Thank you Jamie...” I whispered.

“What for?” he whispered in return.

“For apologising...I'm sorry too by the way, and for caring about me so much,”

“You're my little always have been and you always will be. Of course I'm going to care about you! Sorry, I know I’m a pain in the ass sometimes being so over protective, but that's the way I am. So you're lucky I like Kris so much,” he joked with a smile.

“Jamie...that means so much to me. I REALLY like Kris...” I said timidly as I hid my blushing cheeks. He laughed softly.

“I KNOW you do! You like him even more than that LOVE him!” he teased. I chuckled again and nodded my head. “But I still stick by my words, if he ever ever EVER hurts you...I will kill him! I mean that Carly.”

I rolled my eyes at him, “Whatever, I know you wouldn't dare,” I retorted.

“You don't believe me? I didn't train in the army for nothing you know!” he joked.

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