Chapter 20 - 'The one I love'

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Carly's POV.

I totally forgot about this weekend. This weekend Kris and I are going down to Glasgow for a night to finally see the Coldplay concert. Thank goodness he remembered! It's only for the one night so I packed a small bag with some clothes for the concert, pyjamas, clothes for the next day and also some of the essentials like deodorant, a hairbrush ect. But I can't help but feel like I’ve forgotten something. I've got all my make-up, moisturiser, wipes and what not, so I have no idea what it is! Just as I was away to search the bathroom I heard a knock on my door, “Yeah?” I answered. Dawn slowly opened the door and walked in with one hand behind her back.

“Hiya. Can I have a quick chat with you?” she asked.

“Sure, go ahead.” I said motioning for her to come sit on my bed. She smiled and took a seat, her hand was still behind her back making me curious to what she was doing. I zipped up my bag then went to sit next to her on the bed.

“I just wanted to make sure when you're away this weekend you stay protected,” She took her hand from behind her back and handed me a box of condoms! A heavy blush set on my face at her assumptions.

“Emm...Dawn, there's no need,” I stuttered awkwardly.

“Just take them. You are both young and in love, I know what I was like at your age. If I ever got a night away I know what I would have been doing! Oh I was quite th-” I cut her off before she embarrassed me further.

“Stop there!” I said raising my hand to her. As if this wasn't embarrassing enough, she just needed to go on about her activities as a youth! “I think I've heard enough. But honestly you have nothing to worry about...” I wasn't going to spell it out to her but I think she got it that we haven't went that far yet. She nodded in understanding,

“Hmm okay, but please take them anyway! Better safe than sorry, at least to put your dad at rest.” she said opening my night bag and putting them in.

I should have known my dad put her up to this! He nearly didn't let me go this weekend. He is so over protective sometimes, it can get quite annoying. I laughed awkwardly as I watched Dawn exit my room. A sigh escaped my lips as soon as the door shut. I don't exactly feel comfortable talking to her about that kinda thing.

Nothings gonna happen this weekend. I haven't given it too much thought, but as much as I love Kris I want to save my virginity a bit longer. I know I want to lose it to him, but just not this soon. I’m not ready yet. We haven't talked about it, but I know I have nothing to worry about because Kris would never push me into doing anything I didn't want to.

This weekend is just going to be about us having a laugh together. Sounds perfect to me! I picked up my bag and decided to go through it just one more time checking that I have everything packed!

Kris' POV.

“Hey, is it all right if I talk to you in the kitchen before we leave?” asked Frank scratching his head. He is taking Carly and I to the train station today so I've come round ten miniutes early.

“Yes of course,” I said following him into the kitchen. Frank seems rather serious so whatever this is it must be important. I took a seat opposite him on the kitchen table and waited for him to speak.

“I want to make sure that there will be no funny business with my daughter this weekend. Carly is my innocent princess and you shall not be taking that away from her tonight. You hear me?” Frank said firmly. His eyes were piercing into me making me feel on edge, I have never seen this side of him before. I gulped before replying,

“Yes absolutely.” I tried to make myself sound confident so that he realises that I mean it.

“Good. Now if I find out otherwise or my daughter falls pregnant, I will not be a happy father!” his voice was getting angrier by the word. I have always known him to be the laughing joking Frank but now he is deadly serious! I guess it's because he cares so much for Carly.

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