Chapter 16 - 'Happy birthday to ya!'

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Kris' POV.

Wow, I can't believe I’m eighteen! People keep asking me if I feel any older, but I don't understand how I can feel older? I am just one day older than yesterday. I’m really excited about paint balling today, I haven't been in ages! Most of my friends had parties or something big for their eighteenth but I didn't want to make it a big deal so paint balling seemed Ideal. I knew Carly would come paint balling with us, she can be pretty adventurous so it was no surprise that she had already been! Most girls would be moaning about it and refusing to even try it, like my sister for example, she was reluctant to come and the only reason she is coming is because she wants to see Carly! I’m glad that Erin is so fond of her, Erin is really shy and insecure especially after getting raped last year. She doesn't seem that shy around Carly which is a great improvement!

I skipped school today so that I can pick my parents up from the airport. I’m shocked they actually came home for my birthday! It wouldn't have been the first time they have missed my birthday, but I’m glad they're coming back.

I pushed thick the entrance door to the airport and took a seat on the nearest chair. They told me they would meet me at the doors. I waited for about fifteen miniutes until I saw the recently tanned couple waltzing in trundling their suitcases behind them. My mum smiled when she noticed me, she had on a light pink pencil skirt with matching jacket, I personally think she was over dressed for a long haul flight...but that's my mother for you. Always looking glamorous.

“Kris darling!” she said pulling me into a hug which I gladly attended to.

“Hey mum, you're looking well,” I said untangling us to greet my dad. He grinned and gave me a man hug,

“Hey son! Sorry we haven't seen you in a while!” He apologised.

“Nah it's fine,” I said, I wasn't really okay with them always going away but I’m not going to kick up a fuss about it, “I'm just happy you're here on my birthday!” I said leading them towards my car.

“Oh yeah, Happy birthday!” they practically said in sync. I chuckled at their slowly decreasing memory capacity.

When we arrived at my car I helped them with their suitcases and then drove off in the direction of home. The car journey was spent with them moaning abut how unsuccessful their trip was and occasionally they would ask me what I’ve been up to and how my sisters are getting on. But mostly the talked about themselves, it's something i've grown so used to over the years. My mum seems convinced that Iv'e changed, I don't know if she means my physical appearance or my personality. I don't think I’ve changed, it's probably just them forgetting me as they have been away for so long!

When we got home my dad went straight to his office to sort out all the paper work for any new changes in the business. My mum on the other hand really wanted to spend time with me, she insisted on cooking up some lunch for the two of us. Although my mum loves to get away and have her little business trips I can tell she feels guilty afterwords. She doesn't like missing out on important moments with her kids.

Once lunch was cooked we sat down at the huge mahogany table together for some catching up time,“So who have you invited to go paint balling today?” my mum asked with joy in her eyes.

“Tyler, Keiran, Matthew, Connor, Faye, Carly and Erin is coming too,” I told her before taking the next bite of my lunch. My mothers forehead creased slightly in confusion, I haven't told her about Carly yet so she is probably wondering who she is,

“Oh right, I don't think I've met Carly before...” she trailed off asking me to expand.

“No you haven't, she's my girlfriend,” she practically choked on her food, once she managed to swallow it down a smile spread across her face,

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