Chapter 1 - 'I just met you, and this is crazy'

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You know when you are so bored of something and all you crave is a dramatic change to take yourself out of the dark? Yeah, well that's my life for you. I get up, go to school, go home, go to bed. Repeat. And the only time that routine changes is on weekends, when I'm at my dads. I guess going to my dads isin't that much better either. Well, in some ways it is a thousand times better. I don't have to put up with an agressive middle-aged woman. And by that I mean my mother...or Jane as I like to call her.

Going to my dad’s house is like an escape for me. My house is chaos! Jane and I don’t get on at all. We are like cat and dog at each others throats all the time. Our arguing is insane; I'm surprised we haven’t got an asbo from the neighbours due to all the shouting! Well... most of the shouting is from her. She’s nuts.

To be honest, I don't know what happened. As soon as my brother left to join army evrything went tits-up. Most daughters shouldn't have this much disliking for their own mother! Especially girls like me. Even the people who know me the most would never expect such strong hate words coming from my mouth. I'm not exactly the fighting type, I try my best to please everyone and am nice to almost everyone. But for Jane, I have no time for.

My thoughts got abruptly interrupted by that annoying voice I resent so much, “Seriously, your dad said he would pick you up at 6! It’s now ten past, what's he playing at?” Jane moaned.

“Simmer down it’s only ten minutes! As far as I’ve heard being a bit late never hurt anyone,” I flipped at her.

She had a shocked look on her face as if I had never talked back to her before, “Carly Robertson! Your cheek is not needed in this house. You're seventeen years old, grow up!” She shouted. Urgh! I just  wished she would zip the lip.

“Shut it, Jane. You’re the one that was going skep over dad being TEN minutes late! I think you need to grow up, what are you like fifty?” Jane’s face filled with anger and I knew she was about to erupt. Okay...maybe that was a bit mean. I don't even know where that one came from. I suspect from the darkness of my brain somewhere.

“I'm forty three actually! Sometimes you’re unbearable I-.” I cut her off when my dad pulled up the drive, “Thank God!” I said throwing my hands in the air in thanks. I grabbed my stuff and ran out the door to my dad’s car.

“Hey dad!” I said cheerfully as I slipped into the car. It's weird how my spirits are instantly lifted in his presence. I gave him a huge warm hug in which I really needed!

“Hiya buddy!” I said to my little half brother Owen before turning to crash him a high-five.

“Hi, hi Carly!” He said in his cutest voice. I smiled when I saw his twinkling green eyes, his eyes are exactly like mine and dad's eyes. I adore Owen to pieces, he is honestly the cutest little boy! With his short fluffy blonde hair and a smile to make you melt.

“So, how’s things Carly?” Dad asked.

“Oh you know, the usual, you just saved me from a much uncalled for argument with Jane,” I told him. Dad squinted his eyebrow and gave me a concerning look. “It’s always the same with you two, but I know what your mum can be like sometimes.” I scoffed at him in mock disgust,

“Sometimes? Don’t you mean like 99.9% of the time.” Dad chuckled at my response and began to drive.

I get on with my dad so well, we never argue. He can’t believe how argumentative I am with Jane. I can’t believe it either, I’m not usually one to cause conflict and I’m usually very forgiving too. She really knows how to wind me up. My dad on the other hand is so chilled. He is a lot like me and I guess that’s why we get on so well.

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