Chapter 5 - 'Baby boy, make me lose my breath'

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RIN- Ugh whats that noise? I raised my head from the snug dent I had made in my pillow and slowly peeled my eyes open. My phone was flashing all sorts, then I realised it was ringing. I shot up and leaped to answer it. I didn't bother to check who it was, “hello?” I said.

“Hey whats up? its Faye! Were you sleeping?”

“Eh yeah why? What time is it?” I asked with my voice lethargic from sleeping.

“Half ten, sorry for waking you,”

“Nah it's fine I need to get up anyway. So whats up?”

“Well I was wondering what you're doing today?” she asked. I thought about it for a second then remembered I’m going jogging with Kris today. “I'm not sure what time, but later I’m going for a jog with Kris, but I will be free apart from that,” Faye paused for a moment.

“What? Kris as in Kris Deeves?” she asked surprised,

“Yeah, Yesterday when I was at the park with Owen, him and his sister were there too so we got talking, Alexa broke her arm and she wanted Owen to go to the hospital with her so we all ended up going to A&E. He said he jogs so we planned to go jogging today.” I explained.

“Eh? He took you to the hospital with them?...slightly odd,” Faye sounded pretty confused.

“Yeah I know but he wasn't taking no for an answer,”

“Oh okay, so do you want to have a sleepover tonight?” She asked.

“Yes! My house or yours?” I asked pretty excitedly.

“I don't mind, its up to you?”

I thought about it then decided, “Lets have it in the den!”

Faye seemed to like the Idea, “Yeah! We haven’t done that in ages”

My dad has a double garage and on top of the garage is a small apartment thing. It was already there when he bought the house but he didn't really need it. The stairs to get to it are outside of the garage, you have to climb a little spiral staircase then there’s even a cute front door. The apartment is basically one main room with a double bed, TV and a few chairs, then there's a small toilet and a sort of kitchen area with a sink, microwave and mini fridge ect. Dad and Dawn NEVER use it. Me and Faye often have our sleepovers in there so that we wont make to much noise when Owens sleeping. We call it 'the den'.

We wrapped up our phone call after deciding that she would come round to mine at seven. Although we live across the street from one another we still love to have a sleepover. I got out of my bed and started to get ready. I wasn't sure whether I should put my jogging gear on now or change later? Just as I was thinking about it my phone buzzed. It was Kris! I opened the message and read his text:

'Hey crazy cat;) I was thinking I could come round for you at about 12?xx', I smiled at my new found nickname and the two kisses on the end. I replied with :

'okay, kool kid:) that would be great xx' I chose to return the kisses. About two seconds after I sent the text, my phone buzzed again, he must be a really fast texter! It read:

'alright, it's a date!;)xx'. I knew he only meant it in a kind of 'that's the times sorted out' way but if only he knew how much I wanted it to be a real date!

There was about an hour and and a bit until then so I chose to put my jogging stuff on. The weather has been really hot lately so I picked out my grey Holister running shorts and a tight purple t-shirt. I pushed my hair back into a pony tail but left a few bits hanging down so that it doesn't look too flat. I thoroughly brushed my teeth and washed my face in the bathroom(I have a thing about fresh breath so I had to make sure my mouth was minty fresh.) I applied my make-up like I do every day: foundation to match my light skin, some mascara and a thin line of liquid eyeliner on my eyelids. I never wear heavy make up, I prefer a more natural look. I made sure I put some tissues in my back pocket - you never know when they will come In handy so I always carry some around. Once I had finished, I went to the kitchen for breakfast.

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