Chapter 3 - 'You spin me right round'

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The week had gone surprisingly fast and It had actually been pretty fun. Most likely because my friendship group is complete again. Not that I didn't enjoy spending two weeks with Marcus on his own.

I've been friends with Marcus since I was two and he's never left my side. He knows everything about me and I know everything about him. Tashie used to live in Italy but she moved to Scotland when she was seven. She came to our primary school and the three of us instantly became friends and we have been tight ever since.

Sometimes I wonder if because Marcus was hanging out with us so much that we might have turned him gay. It sounds stupid but you never know. We were always talking about boys, clothes and make-up around him so, that might have turned him into the camp guy he is today. I doubt it though, you cant be influenced to be something your not. I admire him for being honest with himself.

When he came out I was so proud of him. I supported him all the way. Most of our school were accepting and supportive too. That was such a huge relief to him but there were still a few haters. Marcus' friend Nathan James was really helpful though and beat up any guys that slagged him. Me and Nathan were the first two people that he told. Nathan helped Marcus come out and I cant thank him enough. I would say Nathan is one of the more popular ones at school but he's also down to earth. Me and him have actually had a bit of a past. We're just friends now and that's the way I like it.

It was 6th period on Friday and I was in graph-com. There was only fifteen minutes left until I got to go home, then straight to dads. I couldn't wait. I packed away my drawing board and filed my work into my folder. Mr Mitchell, my graph-com teacher, always lets us pack away early so we can talk for a bit. He is my favourite teacher and not because I love architecture but because he's a laugh and he treats us like peers. I learn so much from him too.

The bad thing about getting time to chat at the end is that there is nobody for me to chat to. The only other girl in my class is Holly - the quietest girl I have ever met! I sometimes get a few words out of her but not much of a conversation. I end up talking to Nathan and some of the other boys.

As if reading my mind Nathan walked over to me. I internally sighed. I do like him but he can sometimes be a dick and I don't always enjoy talking to him.

“Hello hello,” he said whilst turning a chair to straddle it - Holly's chair may I add.

“Hey,” I said timidly. Nathan titled his head and gave me the stare. Ugh! The stare. I swear Marcus has told him about it because he has been doing it a lot lately. His stare makes me feel extremely awkward and uneasy. I told Marcus about it and I think Nathan knows and is doing it to annoy me. I looked down to avoid it and to hide my uneasy expression.

“I cant wait to get out of this place and start my weekend,” he said cracking his knuckles. I hate that noise when other people do that, but not when I do it, kinda weird huh?

“Yeah, same!” I replied.

“You going to your dads again this weekend?” he said dragging the 'agaaain' as if it was such a terrible thing to visit my own father!

“Yep thank god!”

“Thank god? Do you not like staying at home sometimes?” he asked curiously. Nathan doesn't know about my mum so I wasn't surprised he is curious.

“Well I spend five days at home so it's good to get away,” I partially lied. Nathan tutted and shook his head,

“A shame that. I'm having a party tomorrow and I really wanted you to come!” He moaned whilst trying his best to put on a cute pleading face. I wasn't going to fall for that ridiculous face so I simply patted his head and chuckled at his desperation. “What the hell you doing that for ?” He asked jokingly before grabbing my hand off of his head.

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