Chapter 9 - 'On the right side of the wrong bed'

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Kris' POV.

The sunlight beamed through the edge of my blind causing my eyes to squint in pain. I rolled over to check the time to find out it was eleven o'clock. I’m surprised I’m even up at this time! As I sat up, my head thumped in pain. That's when I remembered the events of last night. I think I drank way more than I should have. I slowly got out of my bed and headed directly to the bathroom to get a shower.

The hot shower seemed to wake me up a little bit. After I had my shower I decided to go check on Carly. I gently knocked on the door before tiptoeing into the room. She lay there sound asleep, she must be a pretty deep sleeper to be able to sleep through me carrying her home last night. I smiled at her and left the room.

I carefully shut the door behind me and as I turned round I saw Erin looking at me strangely. I gasped out of fright when I saw her, I wasn't expecting her to be there. She looked over my shoulder to the shut door behind me, “Who's in there?” she asked suspiciously.

“Carly, the girl who lives around the corner,” I told her.

“What is she doing here if she lives around the corner?” She asked with her eyebrow raised.

“She fell asleep in the taxi last night and her house was locked so I took her here,” Erin looked as if she didn't believe me,

“Really? You didn' know?” she asked worried looking to the floor.

“What? No! You know I’m not like that Erin,” I told her.

“Hmm.... okay, promise me?” she said staring at me. I sighed,

“I promise! You know fine well I don't do one night stands Erin,” I said slightly annoyed at the fact she would think so low of me.

“Sorry, I just worry. You know what I’m like...especially after last year,” she replied quietly. I pulled my sister into a hug not wanting her to remember the events of last year. I had hoped she would forget about it by this time, but I can see it in her face that it is still fresh on her mind. I still can't believe she sleeps at night with a memory as terrible as that haunting her. “You need to remember that nothing like that will ever happen to you again. Not if I’m here for you. And I would never do anything like it! Besides, It's not even in my nature,” I told her. We pulled apart and she smiled at me,

“Yeah, I know that. Sorry,”

“Now come on, have you had breakfast yet?” I asked taking her downstairs.


I walked into my over-sized kitchen and Erin took a seat at the breakfast bar. “Toast?” I offered, She nodded in response. I got out some bread, knives and butter then went to make us some toast. Maybe I should tell Erin about how I like Carly? We are really close and it would be good to get some female advice. I will consider it... maybe I will tell her later rather than now. I passed Erin her toast and began to eat my own.

“So, do you like this Carly girl?” Erin asked out of the blue. I choked on my toast slightly, How does she know?

“You haven’t met her yet, have you?” I said changing the subject.

“That's not an answer. Now I will ask you again...Do you like this Carly girl?” she said more serious. I paused and took my time chewing on my breakfast. “...maybe,” I said. Erins smile grew large.

“AWW!” She screamed. “I knew it! Aw, my big bro is too cute! Finally, you've found someone you like!” She ran round to my side of the breakfast bar and hugged me. 

“Wait! How would you know?” I asked pulling away from the hug.

“When you were talking about her the other day I could just tell! You had this look in your eye.” she said.  My face screamed confusion,“When was I talking about her?” I asked bewildered.

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