Chapter 19 - 'Deeper in love'

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Kris' POV.

Remember remember the fifth of November. Well that's what my dad always used to say, apparently it's from an old rhyme about guy fox night. It's more commonly known as bonfire night but I call it fireworks night.

It's been over a month now since I discovered my love for Carly and I decided that enough is enough and I’m finally going to tell her! It's been eating me up inside for too long now. I did tell Erin about it expecting her to give me some advice from a girls point of view, but all she did was go on about how 'cute' it is! The person who gave me advice was the last person I would have thought of....Tyler was the one who gave me the best advice! The player who has never loved a girl in his life. He told me exactly how it is and gave me a shove into reality, he said (and I quote,) “You need to stop being a pussy about it, just tell her! She's a chick, chicks love that romantic shit. Besides, Nathan James told her he loves her before you did! And that's saying something,”

Of course the mention of Nathans name turned me sour, but what he said really got to me. I have been so stupid for not telling her earlier. Tonight is fireworks night and I have everything planned. Carly and I both didn't have any plans for tonight, so I promised her a sweet surprise. But more importantly I’m going to tell her I love her!

I rung her doorbell and took a step back to wait for her answer. But instead of her, it was Frank who came to greet me, “Hey Kris, how are you doing?” he asked giving me man hug. Recently Carly's family have really taken me in as one of their own, it's comforting to know I have her fathers approval. “Hey, I’m real good you?” I asked shoving my cold hands into my pockets for warmth, the weather is getting really cold! “I'm pretty darn good too. Carly should be ready soon, she's probably doing her make-up AGAIN, you know she's tried on everything in her closet p-” he got cut off by Carly pushing him out the way to get to the door. I had to laugh, yet again Frank is embarrassing her! “Dad! I did NOT try on everything!” she said putting on her boots.

I’m glad to see her in her jacket and scarf because the air is getting more chilled by the minute. She looks adorable all wrapped up warm. Frank was laughing at her and messing up her hair, “Dad! I just straightened my hair.” she scolded whilst patting down the flyaway hairs he had created.

“I know you did, you spent hours fussing over it,” he teased. Carly tutted and walked past him towards me outside. “No hug for your papa?” he said with his arms open for her. Carly laughed and went back to hug him tightly. I smiled at the two of them in amusement, they are so funny together. “Bye dad!” she said taking my hand in hers.

“Bye guys, have fun and stay safe!” he said waving us off.

“Bye Frank,” I said before reaching my car and opening the door to let Carly in safely.

I heard the door close assuming that Frank had gone inside. Finally getting a moment to kiss her without her dads prying eyes, I took my opportunity and leaned into the car to press my lips on hers. She blissfully kissed me back and wrapped her arms around me nearly causing her to fall out of the car. I broke apart laughing as she repositioned herself in her seat. “Hello Beautiful,” I said softly kissing her cheek. She smiled sweetly at me causing my heart to beat faster as it always does when she's smiling.

“Aww hey, where are you taking me tonight? I can't stop thinking about it,” I chuckled and shook my head at her,

“Not telling, it's a surprise! But I know you'll love it,” I said before shutting the car door to make my way to the drivers seat.

“Oh please tell me!” she begged leaning over the gear stick to tug on my jacket. No matter how sweet she looks I can't ruin her surprise, as tempting as it is to give in to her charm.

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