Chapter 6 - 'The truth hurts'

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“Kris doesn't go out with girls.” she said biting her lip. I froze,

“What does that even mean?!” I asked her confused. Faye sighed and sat up properly.

“It means he's never been out with a girl,” She told me.

“Is he gay?” I asked frightened. Faye laughed and shook her head,

“No definitely not, but lots of girls in my school have asked him out but never has he once said yes. He's been on dates with girls before but not since like a year ago maybe, and it was always jut the one date. Nobody really knows why...” I sighed a massive sigh and dropped back onto the bed. Just my luck! I find a guy that I actually like and he doesn't date girls.

“Is he a player that sleeps with random girls and never see's them again?” I asked trying to find an explanation. Faye shrugged,

“I don't think so? Not that I know of, but it's not as if he would tell me soo, maybe?,”

“I bet that's what he does! There is no other explanation for it,” I moaned.

“We don't know that. He hasn't slept with anyone in my school because I would of heard about it. He doesn't even flirt with girls in my school, maybe he likes the older women?” she joked trying to lighten the mood. I groaned in frustration and stood up. As I was walking towards the Kitchen area I said, “No doubt it's me who likes the player! I have just made a complete fool out of myself!”

I walked over to the mini fridge and grabbed two cans of lemonade, I could hear Faye's voice telling me something but I couldn't make out what she's saying. I walked back through and passed Faye a can, “What were you saying?” I asked her.

“I was saying, You're just assuming he's a player. Don't be too harsh on him, maybe he's waiting for his wife?” I screwed my face up at her,

“His wife? What boy our age saves themselves for their wife? Nobody.” I said in frustration.

“Whoa don't blame me, I was just trying to help,” Faye said raising her eyebrows.

“Sorry, Its just I’m so embarrassed for liking him then finding out this,” I said more calmly.

“Its okay, don't be embarrassed! He might actually like you back,” she said smiling. I smiled back at her, this is what friends are for. Although I don't believe a word of it. “dunno... I wouldn't put money on it,” Faye rolled her eyes dramatically at me. I replied with a smirk.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't gutted about What Faye's told me. I do like Kris, but I have only known him a week so I shouldn't be this upset. But I am! I need to stop liking him so that I don't fall for him more and end up getting hurt. It should be quite easy to forget him considering I’ve not known him long. I decided to put the subject of Kris to the back of my mind and enjoy my sleepover with Faye.

“Lets put on a movie!” I suggested. Faye hopped up and went to the movie shelf. “You choose one and I will get some food,” I told her. I went back to the kitchen area and filled some bowls with crisps and sweets then came back through. Faye was crouched over at the DVD player inserting the movie of her choice,

“I've put on wedding crashers,” she told me hopping into the duvet. I love this film! So does Faye, I thought she might pick this one. I hopped into the duvet too and placed the bowls in front of us. We both happily munched on the delectable junk food and settled to watch wedding crashers.

An hour and a half filled with laughter and smiles and the movie had finished. And so were the snacks so I got up and put the bowls in the sink to wash In the morning.

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