Chapter 2 - 'We're best friends'

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Please no. It's approximatively two miniutes until I enter the war zone. My stomach felt as if it was being scrunched up like paper. I just knew that as soon as I step through the threshold I would be hit by an extreme negative energy. I was getting closer and closer. I needed to savour the last miniute, no wait, forty nine seconds. I heard the noise of my dads tyres rolling over the chuckies on my driveway. Ugh. The noise had stopped. That means It's time to get out of the car and face Jane. I gave my dad a quick hug then slowly made my way to the front door.

As I got in I let out a depressing sigh. Trudging my feet through the hall and into the kitchen, I saw her sitting with her head buried in some horrid gossip magazine. I’ve always hated gossip mags, they make up so much lies about celebs I don't see the interest in reading that sort of stuff. I much prefer a magazine with beauty tips and real life stories. That's just my opinion though. Jane is obsessed with them.

It was a good three miniutes until she acknowledged me and all I got was a “Your back then...” I sighed at the fact that I didn't even get a hello! “Yeah, I am” was my reply. I left the kitchen with no other words and went straight to my room for the rest of the night to avoid confrontation. I really should call her up on her depressed attitude but I know it will only cause more arguments. A thought went through my mind, what if she IS depressed? Surely not, I cant really see a reason for her to be. Maybe it was because of me? Maybe she hates me! Although I always say bad things about her... I don't really mean them. I mean them at the time but in reality, she's still my mum.

I really don't like arguing with her. Sometimes I wish we were closer. I would love to have one of those close mother-daughter relationships; where I could tell her everything and she could help me with decisions and situations. Our relationship is much the opposite. She has no faith in me and always expects the worst.

I get so stressed out sometimes that I get my joggers on and run for hours. I put my I-pod in and just clear my mind. It's been really therapeutic actually. Running makes me feel amazing. All I hear is my music and the faint noise of my pounding footsteps. I forget everything about home and just concentrate on never stopping. Never pausing to catch a breath. Never giving up until I have to. All these years of running have improved my fitness greatly. I can run for ages without getting breathless or tired. It's become quite a hobby of mine. I even jog when I'm at my dads, just for fun. I have asked Faye before If she would come along but it's not her thing. We sometimes take our bikes out for a ride though (yes! I'm 17 and I still like a good old fashioned bike ride). I decided it was too late to go for a jog tonight so I thought I better catch some Z's before a long day at school tomorrow.

It was Monday morning- the most dreadful time of the week for most. But not for me, I get to see Tashie today! I was bursting with so much excitement. I didn't even say goodbye to Jane before rushing out the door. I was walking faster than usual today as I couldn't wait to be reunited with my best friend. You would think that we hadn't seen each other for years but it was in fact only two weeks. We are just really close, like sisters even.

When I arrived at school I knew exactly where she would be:- at the picnic benches with Marcus. The three of us meet there every morning and lunch-time, it's kind of a boring routine now. We are the best of friends and we spend every lunch-time together. 

We have other friends but we just don't hang about with them as much. At school I'm not the most popular girl but I’m not a loner either. I speak to nearly everyone in my year and I don't think I’m hated by anyone. That's the way I like it, keeping my best friends really close and getting on with everyone else, but not quite fading into the background.

I arrived at school ten miniutes before the bell. I couldn't see Tashie or Marcus anywhere so I decided to take a seat on a picnic bench. A few students were hanging about the school grounds waiting for the bell. I didn't want to look sad on my own so I whipped out my phone and started to play a game on it in hope that people might think I was texting someone. It's sad, I know, but it is better than sitting alone staring into space whilst my friends take their sweet time getting to school. They should be here soon! I was getting impatient .

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