Chapter 1

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There's many ways of dealing with heartbreak. You could move on to a different person, be a civilized person and cry for it on your own till you're better, or you could do what members of Heartbreak Club do: revenge.

It wasn't revenge in the sense where you're gonna go back to your ex and inflict pain on them, no, it was a more organized club with certain rules and certain objectives.

I joined Heartbreak Club a few days after I got heartbroken by Junlin, and it was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made. At first I was skeptical about it when my roommate Cait had recommended it to me. I knew Heartbreak Club, but I wasn't a very big fan of the club.

'Akira, I know it seems like a group of petty girls but it's not you know,' Cait assured me one evening when she had found out that I had broken up with Junlin, and that it was one of the reasons I was moody and sad most of the times.

At first I was very hesitant to go with her to the club meeting, but once I went there and found the girls were much happier than I was, I couldn't resist the temptation. Slowly, I got into it and became an actual regular member.

'So, Caigua recently got assigned to Jiaqi and broke his heart pretty badly,' Flora Daisy, the president of the club, announced proudly. I was certain Flora Daisy wasn't her real name, but it was the name she preferred to be called by. Flora was passionate about her position in the club, in fact she was devoted to it. She was the actual founder of the club anyway.

She was absolutely perfect: pretty, tall and smart. But you would never find Flora Daisy dating. People started to believe that the guy who had broken her heart broke her pretty badly because she seemed to have lost all interest in romance. Besides, she had to have had her heartbroken if she was so passionate about helping other girls with their heartbreak.

'He sobbed like a baby,' Caigua, the girl who was proudly gloating over breaking Jiaqi's heart, answered proudly.

I would have felt bad for Jiaqi, but no one could forget the way he had insensitively broken up with his girlfriend who was currently part of the club. He literally just texted her that it was over and had moved on the next day. Her breakup was even worse than mine.

'That's great,' Flora answered the girl and looked back at her tab. She was excited about Jiaqi's heartbreak, but she was also very serious with her work in the club. Her vice president was Cait, and even though she tried to imitate Flora, she always seemed to fall short.

I was patiently waiting for the day Junlin would be punished for what he did to me, but I sometimes wondered if I would be happy to see Junlin dating another girl and get heartbroken by her. I wished I could be the one to do that, but that's not how the club went.

The rules were simple: you submit the name of the guy who broke your heart and what happened. Every single girl in this club was a girl who had been heartbroken and wanted the guy to suffer. Random girls would be assigned to each of the heartbreakers depending on their interests and how strong the girls were in resisting them. Then just when the boy had fallen for her, he would get a taste of his own medicine when the girl dumps him. It was always fun hearing about the guy's reaction after the breakup.

The club was kept a secret to the male students at the college, since if they found out, they would probably warn each other about it. I was actually surprised that no girl had told her boyfriend about the club yet, I was glad they were loyal to their own gender. Though, I almost told my brother, but thankfully I never went through with it.

Standing in front of us in a class that was part of the abandoned block which needed repairing, Flora Daisy was about to announce the next victim of the club. Well I wouldn't call him a victim, I would call him a sociopath who deserved what was about to happen.

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