Chapter 26

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Akira looked at the pair with surprise, but then realized that the two probably needed to have a private conversation. She didn't want to interfere on the likely family matters, so she got up from her bed and walked closer to Yaxuan who was still standing next to Cait's bed and trying to keep himself from crying.

'I'll be outside a bit,' Akira said to Yaxuan and Vivi, then walked over to the door with her cellphone. She was hoping to just visit a random person's room and probably crash there for a few minutes until Cait and Yaxuan were done with their conversation.

Yaxuan watched the door close then turned back to Cait who was looking at him with a sorry face. Yaxuan took a deep breath as he held back most of his tears.

'Do you want to tell me why you lied now?' he asked her painfully.

Cait sighed. 'Why don't you sit down first?'

Yaxuan hesitated. He was angry and sad but he still decided to sit down on his apparent sister's bed. He kicked off his shoes and leaned on the wall next to the bed, not wanting to sit directly adjacent to Cait whom he was mad at. He took several sniffles and ran his hands through his hair.

'I'm sorry Yaxuan,' Cait said, looking on the floor.

'I just want to know why,' Yaxuan answered painfully, 'why would my sister and my best friend lie to me? And you knew it was me and you didn't even care.'

' you trust me?'

He looked at her for a moment. 'How can I trust someone who pretended they didn't know me?'

'Did you trust me when we were growing up?'

He nodded. 'With all my heart.'

'Then don't assume that I lied to you for no reason at all. Obviously, if I did this, I did this for a good reason. I care about you and it hurt me to stay away from you but it was the right thing.'

'The right thing?' Yaxuan chuckled humorlessly and shook his head. 'You don't know how painful it was for me living without you do you? I would have given my life to be with my sister again and you say it's the right thing?'

'Hey,' she tried to calm him down. 'You don't know much Yaxuan. Your assumption is that I just chose to go away and I was kidnapped. The situation is far more complicated than that and I stayed away to protect you and not make you very worried.'

'Complicated? Then tell me...tell me everything that happened.' Yaxuan begged desperately. 'I really need to know.'

Cait shook her head. 'I still can't tell you.'

'What!?' Yaxuan jolted forward. 'First, you hide from me, then second, you won't tell me what actually happened?'

'Yaxuan, I'm still the same Vivi. If I'm choosing to not tell you, it means I have a good reason, and trust me, I do. You know you've always been my priority little bro.' She gave him a small smile.

Yaxuan paused for a moment and lingered over her words. He really wanted to know, and he was hoping he would find out sooner or later. But he had to trust her, he knew her very well. He knew she loved him and would probably never hurt him.

He got on his knees on the bed then moved closer to Cait, swinging his arms over her neck in a hug. More tears came out of his eyes and a slight smile appeared on his face. He was going to keep the questions for later, but for now he was proud that his sister was back. He never thought he would see her again, but now here they were. 'I missed you so much.'

'I missed you too.' Cait replied with a smile and patted his arms.



The next day, I was sitting in the cafeteria, too worried to eat my lunch because there was still no sign of Roy. I kept on checking my cellphone for any messages from Roy which were probably never going to come. I had already talked to my parents several times that day and hoped they would give me some good news, but there wasn't any.

As I continued to look at my phone, I noticed someone put his tray on the table and sat opposite me. I didn't have to guess who it was, I already knew it was Yaxuan. He was practically the only person who would sit with me now that Roy was gone.

'Hey,' Yaxuan greeted me with a happiness in his voice I haven't really heard before. He was usually happy and nice, but this happiness seemed to almost be radiating from inside. I knew why he was happy: who wouldn't be after reuniting with someone they thought they had lost forever?

But the problem was I was the unhappy one now, because I had no idea where my annoying brother was and if he was safe.

'Hey,' I answered with a forced smile, not wanting to ruin his mood by bringing up my problems.

'How are you doing?' he asked me. 'But before I forget, I wanted to say thanks.'

'For what?'

'You know...without you, I would have never known that Cait was Vivi. I still don't know what's going on for sure but you led me to finding my sister, and I've never been this happy in years.' he admitted. 'And I guess you were right that time that hurting other people isn't going to heal me from my pain...meeting Cait again did.'

Despite my terrible mood, I still managed to give Yaxuan a sincere smile because I was happy for him. 'You're welcome Yaxuan.'

'And,' he continued with a slight blush, 'you've become someone pretty important to me. 'You're my good friend or...whatever.'

'Whatever?' I asked him, curious to hear what he meant.


'Yaxuan!' Cait's voice interrupted the conversation. It was kind of strange to see Cait and Yaxuan talking, but it was probably something we were going to have to get used to seeing.

'Hey Vivi.' he greeted her with excitement, waving his hand at her.

'Yeah don't call me that,' she said quickly as she pulled a chair and sat down.

'I shouldn't?' Yaxuan asked with surprise. 'Well why not? Kinda feels awkward calling you Cait now.'

'Because I don't want anyone to know. It's just between us right? Just between the three of us.' Cait said. 'Although, I would have liked it better if it was just between the two of us.' she referred to herself and Yaxuan.

'No problem, I wouldn't tell anyone.' I assured her as I dug my fork in my food aimlessly.

'But...I wanted everyone to know.' Yaxuan cried. 'Why do I have to keep my sister a secret?'

'Told you to trust me.'

'Fine, fine,' Yaxuan surrendered. 'So when are we gonna go meet mom? I'm sure she will be really excited.'

For some reason, I felt kind of awkward being there in what felt like a family conversation, but I decided to act like I couldn't hear them and focus on my food.

'No we're not meeting mom.' Cait shook her head, and it was enough to make me look up from my food to Cait. If I had ever went missing, the first person I would want to meet was my mom. But seeing that Cait had purposely went missing, it was probably obvious that she did not want to meet her mom.

'What?' Yaxuan gasped. 'Are you kidding me? Mom will be really excited to see you. Last week we were just talking about you. We have to meet mom.'

'I don't wanna meet her.' She shook her head.

'Okay I'm trying to understand you but this is getting really weird. Reuniting with you is supposed to be a fun experience, but you're making it more mysterious than fun.' he complained.

'I told you to trust me.'

'Well I'm trying Vi...Cait.' he corrected himself just in time and sighed. 'Okay fine, I do trust you. But sooner or later you're gonna have to tell me what's going on.'

'And I will.' she assured him.


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