Chapter 5

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The next day at lunch was quite mundane. Roy wasn't on campus, apparently running some kind of errands which I wasn't interested to know about. Roy was very dedicated to his field of study and I always wished I was dedicated to mine as well.

I had just received my food and had walked over to an empty table. Even though I had seen Yaxuan on one of the tables who wouldn't have minded if I joined them, I just didn't want to seem desperate. I had attended the Heartbreak Club for at least two months now, so I knew quite a good knowledge when it came to guys.

I had pretended to not see Yaxuan, but he was probably going to be the one to come over to my table. Arguably, the chase is always more exciting than the catch. I glanced at Yaxuan from my table, and I wasn't surprised to see him looking in my direction. Just when he expected me to wave at him, I looked back at my plate.

It wasn't as if I was forcing myself to turn away from a good-looking guy, but it was quite easy when your interest in guys almost seemed to have vanished.

A short moment later, I saw Yaxuan walk over to my table and sit down next to me. He sighed before he spoke. 'Why didn't you come with me?'

'It's not as if I was invited was I?' I looked up from my meal into his beady eyes. You could not deny the purity that radiated from his features.

'You don't have to be invited, I thought we're friends.' he answered quickly. 'And it's not good to sit alone. You can always sit with me and my friends and we're going to give you the best company yet.' he assured me.

Yeah right, liar. Perhaps that's what he had said to all the girls whose hearts he had broken.

'Thanks Yaxuan, I guess I'll do that next time.' I answered and continued to eat. Even though I was very confident at first, I started to realize that I easily started to feel awkward. It wasn't very awkward with Junlin because we barely had such kinds of conversations, but it was different with Yaxuan. Besides, he was a stranger I wasn't very much used to.

'Are you blushing?' Yaxuan commented with a chuckle. I bet now he thought he was already getting things his way. I didn't know if it was alright to make him think that or to debunk his thoughts immediately. But it probably didn't matter, either way I was going to break his heart.

'No I'm just feeling a bit...uncomfy.'

'No actually, I should be the one blushing right now. You're really gorgeous.' he smiled.

Suuure Yaxuan, I'm sure you say that to all the girls. Either way, I pretended I was completely captivated by his comment. 'Thanks, no one's ever really said that to me before.'

'Really? Either they're blind or they're jealous right?'

I didn't know how to answer his compliment, I ended up just giving him a nervous laugh. I guess this was the first phase, the compliments the girls were talking about. I guess one mistake the girls did was believing every single compliment that came out of his mouth even though this sounded obviously fake.

'Yaxuan,' I heard a familiar voice say in front of us. I was hoping it wasn't who I thought it was, but when I briefly looked up, I had confirmed what I didn't want to confirm. I deftly looked away to hide my face with my hair, but I doubted if it was working.

'What's up?' Yaxuan asked Junlin.

'I was wondering why you're not sitting with us, everything okay?' Junlin asked him like a close friend would. I didn't even understand when Yaxuan and Junlin had become friends, I would have probably known they were friends while we were dating. It was pretty strange.

Yaxuan didn't answer Junlin's sentence, he simply looked at me then back at Junlin, as if that was the answer to why he was not sitting with his friends.

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