Chapter 24

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Yaxuan and I were waiting in my room for Cait that evening after school. I could tell Yaxuan was restless, continuously pacing and not sitting himself down. I could understand why he was so desperate to see Cait and ask her about what was going on, I probably would be too.

'You might wanna sit down Yaxuan, Cait usually late.' I told him, I myself seated on my bed.

Yaxuan nodded and sat himself down on one of the study chairs. He was still restless, I could tell by how his eyes jumped all over the place.

'Was Vivi supposed to be twenty now?' I asked Yaxuan curiously.

He nodded and rubbed his eyes. 'Yeah, which is really weird. I just need to ask her. I mean...there's many twenty year old girls in school, but for her to be twenty and have that necklace really doesn't sound like a coincidence.'

'Yeah,' I agreed.

Yaxuan and I waited for almost an hour, and I was now surprised as to why she had taken so long. Usually, she would be in the room by this time.

'Is she supposed to be this late?' Yaxuan asked me with a sad face.

I shook my head. 'Definitely not, lemme call her.'

He nodded desperately. I took my cellphone from the study table and called Cait, then I was greeted by a voice message: hi, you've reached Cait. Well I'm kind of busy this evening, I've gone home, so please leave a message after the beep.'

I heard the beep but didn't leave a message, instead, I hang up. I looked at Yaxuan with a disappointed face. 'I don't think she's coming today.'

'Oh no,' Yaxuan groaned. 'Where is she?'

'Home,' I answered him. 'Relax, she'll probably be back by tomorrow.'

'But I really need to know by today,' he ran his hands through his hair in frustration. 'This mystery is annoying.'

'I know, I'm sorry.' I told him sadly. 'But it's fine, tomorrow's not too far.'

He sighed and got up. 'Fine then, tomorrow it is. I'll ask her while on campus.'

I nodded. 'Okay.'

Yaxuan walked over to my bed and bent down to give me an unexpected hug, which I found myself returning slowly. It overwhelmed me every time he pulled me in for a hug.

'Goodnight I guess,' he said once he had pulled away from me.

'Goodnight.' I answered.

Yaxuan walked over to the door and walked out. I found myself feeling annoyed with myself for blushing while the memory of Roy's disappearance returned to my head. I had to find out as much as I could before I could go to the police after 48 hours have passed, which would be tomorrow.


As I finished up my classes, I checked the time on my cellphone. It had officially been 48 hours, and Roy was still missing. I was already panicking before this, but the 48 hours was just a confirmation that he was really gone. It had now become a serious case, and I had to tell my parents about it as soon as possible.

As I walked out of the classroom with my books, I was met by Yaxuan rushing into the classroom which had dwindling students.

'Yaxuan,' I told him the moment he had walked over to me. 'I need to tell my parents about Roy's disappearance and go to the police station today.'

Yaxuan sighed. 'Really? I was hoping you were gonna help me talk to Cait. I have no idea where she is and I don't think I'll be able to do this on my own.'

'I was hoping you were gonna come with me to the police station,' we had a sudden clash of interest. Both of us were first looking at their family affairs, which was probably understandable. 'It's ok, I can just give you her number and you can meet up with her.'


'Hey,' I put a hand on his shoulder. 'Cait might be Vivi, so talking to her shouldn't be as hard as you think.'

'It's been seven years,' he groaned. 'And I'm not even sure if it is her. Fine,' he took his cellphone out of his pocket, ready to save Cait's number. 'Give me her number.'

I nodded.


When I had told my parents about Roy's disappearance, they told me that they were driving to the city as soon as possible. I was thankful to not be alone in this, but my parent's involvement in it only made things feel more serious. If only I hadn't ignored Roy's creepy call, maybe things would have been different. I sort of blamed myself for not taking it as an emergency.

Meanwhile, I had to get to the police station even before my parents did. I knew they were going to take long since it was about a 3 hour drive, and I didn't want to waste any more time, I wanted the police to get to work as soon as possible. My parents had allowed me to go to the police station ahead of them, so I took a taxi and went to the nearest station.

I had never really been at a station before, and there was something quite dramatic about it. It was busy with police officers coming in and out, and all of them were treating me as if I was invisible. I didn't know what to do at first, but I assumed I had to go over the reception and talk to the police officer there.

'Excuse me,' I said to the pretty police officer in front of me. 'I wanted to file a missing person's report.'

'Missing person's report?' the lady asked me and started going through some papers. 'May I know who's missing?'

'My brother, Roy Wang.'

'Which "Wangs"? The Wangs that have a son named Kasson? Or you mean the Wangs with the estates?'

'No, Roy Wang of the...unpopular Wangs who have normal jobs.' I said with a tone of irritation.

'And how old is Roy?' she continued to ask.


The officer laughed. 'Twenty year olds go away all the time, sometimes doing rebellious activities or needing space to themselves. It's very common for a twenty year old boy to go missing for like a week or so.'

''s been 48 hours already. And the last time we talked, it was a creepy phone call...'

'Unless he's from an influential family, chances are low that he's missing. Currently we're dealing with the cases of the missing kids from the influential family, and this Roy Wang thing is just a disturbance. He's probably fooling off somewhere.'

I felt so angry that I wanted to punch this woman, so was it only worth solving cases if the person who was involved was from an influential family. I hated her insensitivity and watched as she continued to look through her papers as if I wasn't standing in front of her.

'Wait, Roy Wang?' a male police officer asked as he walked into the room. 'Roy Wang? The kid with the big interview?'

I nodded my head desperately. 'Yes, and last time we talked on the phone he...'

'That kid said the cops aren't doing a good job and that's why the cops never figured out where Vivi Song was,' the man rolled his eyes. 'He sure has a big mouth for someone who's never worked in law enforcement before. Let's see who will find him now that he's "gone missing", since we always do a bad job.'

'What?' I turned to him, feeling more frustrated by the minute. It seemed that they didn't care about Roy's disappearance, and probably the stupid things Roy had said on the interview had made them more reluctant to help.

'Okay fill in this missing person's report and we'll start searching as soon as possible, have a seat.' the lady told me as she handed me a form. Something about how she spoke made me realize that she was being insincere. I knew that they were not going to search for Roy, or at least they wouldn't search for him as much as they would search for another person.

But there was nothing I could do at this point. I walked over to the chair and started filling in the report. I knew for sure that if Roy was going to be found, it wouldn't be by the police's effort. I had to do all that I could to find Roy. 

Heartbreak Club | s.yx ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن