Chapter 12

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I walked into my room in the evening, and Cait immediately threw something in her drawer as if she was hiding something. Recently, she was acting strange. I had already seen her sort of stalking Yaxuan and now here she was hiding something. Anyway, maybe it was her personal business. I decided to ignore it.

'Hey Akira,' she greeted me.

'Hey,' I quickly replied. I took off my shoes and grabbed my nail polish out of my drawer, wanting to paint my toenails. I didn't really want to do it but it somehow distracted me from what I was annoyed with recently.

'So how did it go today? Did you meet Yaxuan?' Cait turned to me once she was probably sure that I did not see whatever she was hiding. It was the least of my interests so she had nothing to worry about.

'Yep,' I answered briefly.

'And how did it go?'

'Terrible.' I immediately answered. I didn't feel like speaking about it but perhaps I needed to vent about it a little bit. 'He just suddenly exploded on me and now I find him really annoying to look at or talk to.'

'Really?' Cait chuckled. 'Well that's a first, most of the girls find him very "appealing to look at". I guess things are going well then.'

'No like I don't wanna do this anymore, he's annoying and it will probably be hard for me to act all lovey dovey with him.' I said angrily.

'What did he do? What really happened?'

'Well...' before I could finish explaining, my cellphone rang. I closed my nail polish bottle and checked the contact, not surprised that it was the only person who was likely to call me: Roy.

I picked up the cellphone, already knowing he'd say something useless.


'Hey sis,' he answered. 'So, Yaxuan's party this Friday. You better make him invite me.'

'Roy please,' I was already tired of hearing about Yaxuan, but now something as useless as this was making things worse. 'You want to go to Yaxuan's party? Ask him yourself.'

'Of course I wouldn't ask him, he's not my friend. And...I don't wanna go to the party. I want to find out something. You know he's gonna throw the party at his apartment?'

'No,' I answered boredly. 'I didn't even know he's throwing a party.'

'Yeah that, if I go there I might be able to find out more about Vivi Song and it will help me out with my project. It will be so fun...'

'Find out how? Anyway, me and Yaxuan had an argument so there's nothing I can do about your party thing.'

'Oh it's fine, couples argue all the time. But I need you to make up before Friday.' Roy warned me. 'Promise you'll do that for me?'

'No I can't,' I shook my head in annoyance.

'Fine whatever, if you make up before Friday, promise me you'll make him invite me to the party.'

Knowing Roy, I knew he wasn't going to stop asking. So I said okay to stop him. And I was very sure Yaxuan and I wouldn't make up before Friday, if we would make up at all. It wasn't as if I wanted to anyway.


That afternoon, my classes ended at 15:30. I left my lecture theatre with my books, only to be pulled in the direction I wasn't going. The person pulled me next to the door.

'Can we talk?' Yaxuan asked me sadly.

I looked at him and sighed. I still didn't feel like talking to him, because what he had done the previous day was uncalled for.

'Please,' he begged with a sad look no one could be evil enough to deny.

'What is it? Speak.' I folded my arms.

'We can't speak here,' without asking for permission, Yaxuan grabbed my arm again and pulled me away from the door. He continued to pull me through the hallway until we were outside the building. I could see many students looking in our direction, as usual, but nobody said anything.

Once we were outside standing by the benches at the entrance, Yaxuan started to speak. 'I didn't mean to speak like that. I guess I just got too emotional that's all.'

I nodded. 'I guess it's fine.'

'I'm really sorry, and I shouldn't have made you walk back to school on your own. Just that...I guess we all have different areas that make us overreact. Different things that push our buttons and we take it out on everyone else.'

'And in your case it' I get it.'

Yaxuan rubbed his elbow. 'Yeah I guess. It's It's someone whom you expected to always be there disappearing and leaving you and then life isn't the same anymore. You don't see it like you used to.'

Perhaps I had felt the same way before, because I was also hurt when Junlin left. I wasn't completely fine now, but I was much better than I was before. But it probably hurt much more when it was family.

'I get it, I...'

'Let's not talk about it.' Yaxuan cut me much more nicely this time, looking at the floor. 'Anyway, I'm throwing a party this Friday at my apartment, wanna come?'

I wanted to say no, because my idea of a fun weekend wasn't exactly spending my time in a crowded apartment with students I probably didn't know or like. But I remembered how desperate Roy was to go to this party, even though he had bad intentions of wanting to come to this party.

'I guess that's cool.' I nodded.

'Great! I can't wait...'

'Can I bring someone?'

Yaxuan nodded. 'Sure you can. And it's the least I can do for being such an idiot previously.' he pat my shoulder with a smile. 'Okay see you then.'

'See ya.' I replied, thinking of how excited Roy would be to hear that he's coming to the party. I watched as Yaxuan dashed off and left me outside the building. I thought about his duality: how he could be this sweet one day then be very annoying the other.

Before I walked away from my spot, I saw Junlin walk out of the building with a girl with a girl I didn't recognize at first, then turned out to be Flora Daisy. The sheer sight of the two of them made my heart palpitate with discomfort as my mind made up the worst scenario: that they were dating. Chances were high because Junlin never made friends with girls.

But maybe that wasn't true. I trusted Flora Daisy, she wouldn't date someone whom she knew broke my heart. She wasn't that type of person because she made it a point to hate every heart breaker on campus, even if they hadn't particularly done anything to a Heartbreak Club member.

'Sure I guess we'll talk about it later,' Junlin said to her, the first thing which was audible enough to me.

'Don't forget.' Flora Daisy reminded him before walking away and not waiting for a response.

'Sure,' Junlin answered no one in particular and took out his cellphone.

As if sensing that someone was looking at him, Junlin turned around and looked at me who was still standing by the exit of the building.

He didn't say anything, he merely narrowed his eyes and put his cellphone in his pocket before walking away. I didn't understand Junlin. One minute he seemed all nice "warning" me about Yaxuan, the next he acted as cold as ice. Perhaps he was just jealous, but if that was the case, I would feel slightly satisfied. 

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