Chapter 9

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During lunch on Monday, Roy walked over to me and stood behind me in the line waiting for food and gave some bills to the server. I gave him a smile which he slightly returned before looking forward.

'So are you sitting with me today?' I decided to ask, seeing he didn't bother to converse with me. I wanted to know if he was still mad at me or not.

'Yeah of course, anyway, I heard some news.' Roy replied.


'That you went to an expensive date with Yaxuan?'

I was surprised. I didn't think anyone would know. Did anyone even see us? I immediately face palmed, I didn't want Roy to be madder than he already was. 'Jackson's brother again?'

'No, it wasn't Jackson's brother. Apparently some girl from your hostel saw you leaving with him in his Mercedes.' He shrugged. 'And no, I'm not mad at you.

''re not? Why? How?'

He shrugged. 'I don't know, I guess I decided to let my little sister do whatever she wants.' He announced with a cute smile.

'Spill the beans Roy, that doesn't sound like you at all.' I frowned, I knew this boy for way too long to believe what he was saying.

'What?' he maintained his innocent persona.

'Just say it, what's going on?'

Roy sighed. 'Okay fine, I figured Yaxuan could be quite useful to my project.'

'Your project?'

'Uh-ha,' Roy answered as we moved forward in the line and got our food. 'He knows stuff, and if my dear sister is dating him, she could just ask him for me and I'd have the information I need.'

I stopped in my tracks 'So you're using me!? You're gonna let my heart be broken because of your beloved project?'

'Oh please Akira, we all know you would have still been dating him regardless of this, I'm just trynna find the silver lining in your so-called relationship.'

We stayed silent a while as we got food in our trays then started to walk off to an empty table together. 'And what exactly does Yaxuan know that's so important to you?'

'Oh I figured out something from the news yesterday, don't you guys watch the news?' Roy replied. We had now found our way to an empty table and sat down next to each other. 'Remember I'm trynna find out about these kidnappings?'

I nodded.

'Yeah then I figured out Yaxuan's family could have been the first to go through these misfortunes. I just know a little girl from an influential family called Vivi Song went missing, and well...influential family with surname Song? Chances are high it could be Yaxuan's family.'


He nodded immediately. 'Vivi Song...I don't know much about it just yet, I just know that she was part of a Song family and went missing 7 years ago. Probably dead.'

'Huh? Really?' I immediately felt bad. I couldn't imagine how it must have felt to lose family. You wouldn't guess Yaxuan had lost family seeing how he always smiled so much.

'Yep, so I'm gonna need you to ask him for information when I need it.' Roy told me. 'I mean it's the least you can do for me cause I'm keeping this a secret from mom and dad. Imagine how they'll react when they hear that you're dating a playboy?'

'Are you manipulating me Roy?'

'No I'm just striking a fair deal.' He corrected. I knew he was serious, so I didn't really bother to argue with him further. But if getting information from Roy was going to keep him from being upset, then I was ready to do that.

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