Chapter 37

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'Do you like the food?' Mrs. Song asked Yaxuan with a smile on the dinner table.

'Yeah,' Yaxuan nodded although he had hardly touched his food. It was his favorite, and it looked appetizing, but Yaxuan had lost his appetite with all the thoughts running in his mind.

'Yaxuan what are you thinking about?' Mrs. Song asked him curiously.

' you think I deserve to have my heart broken?' he finally asked her. He had been thinking that perhaps all of this was some kind of karma because of what he had done to the girls he hurt...maybe he did deserve to be lied to by the two girls he started to trust the most.

Mrs. Song sighed. 'Now why would you say that?'

'Just that...I guess I'm realizing that if I broke many people's hearts, then maybe I deserved to have my heart broken...'

'Yaxuan,' she interrupted him before he could finish. 'We all make mistakes growing up. There's nothing that should make you feel extremely bad for whatever you did. You're still young...'

'You wouldn't get it. You're my mom, of course you'll defend me.' Yaxuan placed the fork in his plate. 'I'm going to sleep.'

'Yaxuan, you hardly touched your food.' she cried.

'I'll eat later, I'm just not hungry,' he got up and started to walk to the stairs.

'Yaxuan!' she stood up as well. 'Sit down this instant and eat!'

'I'm not a baby anymore mom, you can't force me to eat!' he shouted, then ran up the stairs without looking back.

Mrs. Song sighed and sat down, then put her head in her hands.

'Don't worry ma'am, that's what children are like once they've grown up.' Mary commented as she walked in to collect Yaxuan's food and put it in a closed container.

'Shut up Mary.'


Yaxuan's eyes opened: it was 1 am. He had had another nightmare of Vivi, and this time it irritated him more than any other time else. When he had decided to move on, she had to show up in his dreams again?

'Leave me alone! You caused everything!' he said as if he was speaking to someone in the room. Assuming that maybe she was now a ghost, Yaxuan hoped she could hear what he was saying.

He turned to other side and shut his eyes one more time, but he lied there for more than 10 minutes. He couldn't sleep.

He finally decided to get out of bed and perhaps have a drink of warm milk. It always helped him sleep when he was younger, and now maybe it would have the same effect.

He got out of bed and decided to walk down the stairs. The lights were off in the entire mansion, and it was only the small fluorescent glow coming from the outdoor lights that illuminated the inside.

As he made his way down the stairs slowly, he heard voices talking in the kitchen. As he got closer to the last stair, the conversation became clearer.

'You don't get it!' a female angry voice spoke. 'There's no need to keep them alive. Honestly, those two are of no use to us.'

'Well we can't kill them.' Mrs. Song answered.

Yaxuan froze, wondering if he had heard the right thing. Was his mother talking about killing someone?

'You can't tell me what to do!' the other voice replied. 'Let's not forget, this was my idea. And you're not the most moral person around here Liying.'

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