Chapter 40

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Mary stopped the car in front of a cabin a good distance away from the mansion at 5 am. The place was surrounded by trees, probably a place that could hardly be found.

Yaxuan had never been there before, and yet all this time, he thought he had been on every piece of property ever owned by his mother.

'So the people are inside?' Yaxuan asked just to be sure, peering at the cabin in front of them through the windshield.

'Yes sir.' Mary nodded.

'Is it open?'


Yaxuan didn't waste time. He removed the knife from in front of Mary's stomach and pulled the boot lever open. 'Wait, stay here!' he said before he slammed the car door shut. He went to the back of the car and opened the boot, grabbing a large pair of pliers which he hardly remembered using, and dropping the knife inside the boot.

He didn't have time to think over the decision – whether it was right to leave Mary alone or not, but he was already in the blueish semi-darkness of the early morning.

He ran over to the only window, but the curtains were closed.

'Gosh,' Yaxuan said to himself before moving around the property. He finally found a wooden door. It was locked, and the lock incredibly durable. Nevertheless, Yaxuan had to try his luck with the pliers. He put the chain between the jaws of the pliers, and tried to snap it open.

'Why does it sound like someone is struggling with the door?' Roy asked one of the young men inside the room.

'Must be Junlin again.' someone replied boredly.

'Hmm, Junlin doesn't struggle with the door.' Roy observed. There was a little hope rising in his heart, but he didn't want to get his hopes too high. He had been in here so long that he the prospect of getting out seemed too far.

Finally, the chain dropped to the ground when Yaxuan severed it. He took a sigh of relief before pushing the door open and leaving it like that.

Even in the dim light, everyone could tell it wasn't Junlin. Akira, in particular, could tell that it was Yaxuan.

'Yaxuan!' Akira cried.

'Akira?' he repeated in confusion, looking in her direction. He looked around the room for a second before he finally found the switch behind the door. He turned on the light.

'Yaxuan!' Roy announced excitedly as well. He never particularly liked Yaxuan, but as long as he brought hope, he was his favorite person for the moment.

Yaxuan looked around the room, taking in the scene in front of him. There were all the boys who had recently been announced to have gone missing, looking shabby and unkempt. Then there was also his friend Akira and her was all his mother's doing?

Yaxuan immediately bent in front of Akira. 'What's going on!?'

'I don't really know, well nobody actually does.' she answered to the best of her knowledge. 'I don't remember how I got here.'

Yaxuan checked her handcuff, realizing there was no way he could sever this like he did with the chain.

'I have a clue what's going on,' Roy spoke up. 'I think your family's behind this.'

'Yeah I figured,' Yaxuan answered quickly as he tried to sever Akira's handcuff with a plier. 'But why?'

'Money of course.' Roy replied. 'And you noticed how it's only the rich boys who have been kidnapped and we have been kidnapped simply because we knew more than we should. I discovered that your mom is probably behind this and that's why she kidnapped me...but she's not working alone.'

'What do you mean?' Yaxuan momentarily stopped.

'There's another mastermind and it's not your mom. Your mom probably provides the resources, but the plans and instructions seem to be from someone else.' Roy continued to explain. 'That's what I noticed during my investigation, all the stuff I never got to publish.'

'Just get us out of here man! Please!' Zhenyuan begged, interrupting the conversation. He would have preferred if they talked about everything else after the boys had been set free.

'That's what I'm trying to do!' Yaxuan replied. He struggled with the handcuff several more times before he finally gave up. He sighed and fell to his knees. 'I don't think this will work. There's got to be another way to do this.'

'Well...trying removing the bar we're handcuffed to from the wall.' Zhenyuan suggested. 'Maybe that metal is weaker. And then we'll see what to do from there.'

'Oh good idea!' Yaxuan responded and got up from his knees. As he tried to figure out how to do it, the lights suddenly went off in the cabin.

'Oh man!' Roy cried. 'How could this happen!? Why now?'

'Seems like the main switch.' somebody else responded. 'Somebody must have done that.'

'Well I guess I need to hurry up,' Yaxuan put his hands in his pocket to take his cellphone out and turn on the torch, so that he didn't have to delay any further.

'Look out!' Akira warned the busy Yaxuan a little too late. Yaxuan was sent falling unto the ground unconscious when someone behind him hit him with a fire extinguisher.

'Oh no!' one of the young men cried once Yaxuan fell in front of Akira, face-forward.

The person who had carried the extinguisher, Junlin, placed it down.

'You're being such a monster!' Akira cried, kicking her leg in an attempt to hit Junlin with it. But he was too far.

'I'm just doing my job.' Junlin answered as he grabbed Yaxuan's legs, dragging him away from where he had fallen. 'Your friend should have been smarter. He shouldn't have left Mary alone in his car and given her an opportunity to escape.'

'Mary?' Akira remembered her as the maid, but she didn't understand how he was involved in this.

Junlin's cellphone started to vibrate in his pocket, and he momentarily let go of Yaxuan's legs. He took the cellphone out of his pocket and answered it.

'Yes Flora Daisy...I've got him.' he spoke into it.

'Flora Daisy?' Akira sked herself. Was Flora Daisy involved in this crime?

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