Chapter 42

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'I don't understand. You're Vivi?' Yaxuan stated in shock, his mouth agape. 'No it can't be.'

'Isn't it funny that you claimed to love me so much yet you couldn't even recognize your sister in college?' she smirked.

'Then what about Cait? You sent her to pretend to be you?' he asked in confusion, his hands still in the air.

'Of course not. Cait was my good friend, but she started being suspicious about what I was up to and thought you knew it as well. Because believe it or not, I told my best friend you're my brother. And she wanted to use you to get information about our family, that's why she pretended to be your sister.' She explained. 'But I sure showed her, no one steals my identity. That's why I killed her.'

Yaxuan gulped. Vivi was now capable of being so ruthless? Did she really stab her that many times? What kind of violent and ruthless person had she become over this course of time?

'You stabbed someone...?'

'I'm not going to explain anything to you!' she cried. 'All I want is to be done with you once and for all. I've been waiting for this moment all of my life and now I finally have a reason to do it.'

'Wait why?' he asked as he walked backwards a little bit, still facing her. 'You were my best friend, how could you just switch on me like this!?'

She slightly lowered the gun. 'JUST switch on you? JUST!?' she repeated then chuckled. 'That's what you think...?'

'What else am I supposed to think?' tears started to line Yaxuan's eyes. He was afraid of death, but at the same time he was crying because he couldn't stand the fact that his sister and best friend hated him like this.

'So your mother never told you anything?' she looked at him with the first hint of emotion he had seen on this particular day, actually, the first hint of emotion he had ever seen in "Flora Daisy's" eyes.

'Mom? She never told me anything to do with you except for the fact that you disappeared.' He admitted.

'Oh typical, she told me that she told you.' She sighed. 'Anyway, before I send you to hell, it's good for you to know what I'm sending you to hell for.'

He swallowed hard. 'Please tell me, because I feel I need to know.'

'Indeed,' she agreed with him. 'It's always been about you, everything has always been about you. You know growing up I always felt mom loved you more, and it wasn't until I was 12 years old that I realized this was true.'

Yaxuan shook his head. 'That's not true, mom has always been impartial...'

'That's what you saw! You were young Yaxuan! You didn't realize that she always bought more stuff for you, and more expensive stuff, she always tucked you in bed but never tucked me in bed! She always took you out wherever you wanted to go but sometimes she'd leave me home!' She screamed.

Yaxuan had never realized that, but small bits of what she was saying came back to his memory. He remembered when he got the expensive fur coat while Vivi only got a jacket which wasn't even a designer label on one of the occasions. He remembered his mother checking on him only on one particular night when she was working late before she went to bed. It happened several occasions, but Yaxuan never thought it meant favoritism.

'Oh I'm so...' he started.

'You know why she did all that? Because I was a girl.' Flora continued. 'I didn't mean anything to her because I'd never inherit the business, it would be you. So you were her everything and I was just some kind of...dead weight.' She shrugged. 'I thought I could endure it, but on the day I got kidnapped, I realized it was worse than I thought and I couldn't live like that. Wanna know what actually happened the day I got kidnapped?'

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