Chapter 32

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WARNING: Slight gore

Yaxuan and I were sitting in the police station. We had just arrived a few minutes ago and we were sitting in the reception, waiting for someone to tell us something. Yaxuan was still incredibly emotional, but now he was trying his best to keep his tears in.

'I think I have to tell my mom,' Yaxuan said, grabbing his cellphone. 'I mean...I know she didn't want to meet her, but I don't have a choice right now.'

I nodded my head. It was probably the only option he had at this point.

He dialed his mother's number and put the cellphone to his ear. 'Mom!' Yaxuan immediately hollered when she picked up. 'Vivi has been killed.'

'What?' her surprised voice answered, sounding muffled to me who was hearing it second-hand.

'Vivi is dead, we met again.' Yaxuan got up from the seat to start pacing, probably because he was nervous. His hands were trembling with the overwhelming news he was delivering.

'Yaxuan what are you talking about?'

'Mom, I...' Yaxuan didn't finish his sentence because he almost bumped into an emotional elderly woman with her husband. 'Sorry,' he apologized as he moved away from them.

'Excuse me,' the woman announced as she walked over to the reception. 'We're here for Cait Wong, we're her family.'

'Oh,' the cop responded. 'Please have a seat, the cops will be with you in a minute...'

I assumed that must have been the family that had raised her. I wondered if they knew that Cait wasn't their real daughter. I watched them with curiosity as they walked away from the reception and took seats next to me. The woman had tears coming out of her eyes now, and the man was trying to console her although I could tell he was holding in a lot of emotions.

'I'll call you back, you don't get it.' Yaxuan hang up his cellphone and returned to the seats by the reception. His spot next to me was now taken by the lady whom I assumed to be Mrs. Wong. He looked at me for a moment before sitting next to Mr. Wong, two seats away from me.

The next person to walk in was Flora Daisy. She immediately walked over to Mr. and Mrs. Wong, a sad look on her face.

'Thank you for telling us in time Flora,' Mrs. Wong said in a teary voice.

A cop finally met us at the reception, one of the cops who had come to our school. He had a grim look on his face.

'Oh hello, you must be the parents.' The cop walked over to Mr. and Mrs. Wong. 'Thankfully, your son was already here.'

'Son?' the man wondered, then chose to ignore it. 'What do you know so far officer?'

'Well, unfortunately she's dead, and she died of stab wounds probably in the early morning hours...' the cop started.

'What!? But...why? I don't understand.' Yaxuan interrupted. 'Why would anyone kill Cait?'

'And who may you be?' Mrs. Wong asked him in surprise.

'Her brother?' the cop replied with a surprised look.

'Brother?' Flora Daisy was the next to react. 'Yaxuan, this isn't a joke. You're pretending to be her brother just to hear the first hand information on her death?'

It was an awkward situation, but I thought it best for me to defend Yaxuan before everyone thought he was a weirdo.

'She's my real sister,' Yaxuan informed them. 'Cait is probably adopted right? I'm her actual brother?'

'He is,' I nodded in agreement.

'Cait is not adopted!' Mrs. Wong shouted, a mixture of anger and annoyance in her voice. She was probably already emotional about Cait's death, and the last thing she needed was a "random boy" claiming to ber brother.

'She is and her real name is Vivi.' Yaxuan corrected them.

'What the hell is wrong with you!?' Mr. Wong was the next to speak.

The cop looked at the conflicting parties in surprise. He had worked for a long time in the city, but he had never witnessed such a situation before. All he wanted was to announce to the family that Cait had died and start to ask the people closest to her questions, but he met something else instead.

'Cait told Yaxuan she's his sister, and she even had a necklace which is their family emblem.' I finally decided to intervene.

Flora Daisy folded her arms and chuckled as if to show that what I was saying was dumb.

The parents looked at each other in surprise then looked back at Yaxuan.

'I can assure you, Cait is our biological daughter and she has never lived away from home growing up.' Mrs. Wong said in a much calmer tone this time. She unclipped her handbag and fumbled inside of it, before retrieving a small photo. She showed it to Yaxuan and handed it over to him. 'That's Cait when she was two years old.'

Yaxuan looked at the photo. It was undeniably Cait in the photo, sitting on the floor of a house of a middle class home. He looked closely for a moment and then looked back at Mrs. Wong. 'I'm confused.'

'Cait probably wanted to seem better than she was by telling you she's your sister.' Flora Daisy shrugged her shoulders, and got an obvious glare from Cait's parents.

'Huh?' Yaxuan asked, still in a state of complete confusion.

If Cait had actually done that, I felt really bad for Yaxuan. She had played with his feelings, using such a sensitive topic to mess with him. I didn't know what to believe, but there was probably no reason for Mr. and Mrs. Wong to lie to us.

'Alright, alright,' the cop raised his hands to calm down the situation. 'We will figure out what's going on here pretty soon. I'll talk to each one of you.'

'Then why would Cait have the necklace?' Yaxuan asked me then turned back to the parents. 'Did you perhaps give her a necklace? With a crown?'

They shook their heads.

'Wait! My sister had a scar...a red patch caused by fire...and...' Yaxuan tried to envision Cait, then something dawned in his mind. '...and Cait didn't have one.' he sighed.

'We're really sorry young man,' Mrs. Wong apologized, 'but Cait is not your sister. She's our only child.'

I looked at Yaxuan sympathetically. I got up from my seat and put my hand on his shoulder. 'I'm really sorry Yaxuan.'

'It's okay,' he said soullessly, looking at the floor. But I knew he was hurt, and it probably hadn't sunk in yet. 'Whatever's going on, Cait was probably killed because of that.' he said to the cop.

'Then I guess we'll need all the information you can give us.' the cop answered. 

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