Chapter 31

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Yaxuan had asked me whether I was having breakfast on campus or not, and my answer was an obvious no. Usually, I'd have breakfast at my hostel so that I didn't have to go early to school. But when Yaxuan told me that he needed to have breakfast with me on campus because he wanted to talk to me about something important, I couldn't say no.

The fact that Cait hadn't come last night made me assume that we were going to talk about Cait. But I knew it was nothing to worry about, there were times Cait wasn't around because she was spending the night at Flora Daisy's.

I had arrived on campus by 7:30, and I looked around the cafeteria which had less students now than it usually did on lunch. It looked almost empty from this view.

I looked around and saw an anxious-looking Yaxuan sitting in the corner, so I quickly walked over to the table and sat opposite him. He didn't even bother to get any food, he was simply gnawing on a Granola Bar.

'You okay?' I asked him the moment I had arrived.

Yaxuan shook his head. 'I wanted to tell you yesterday but my classes were just so packed up and my entourage sat with me at lunch.' he lowered his voice. 'Vivi gave me a cryptic message yesterday.'

'Cryptic?' I asked.

He nodded. 'She said something about how I shouldn't trust most people around me and I'm wondering what she actually meant, or who she was talking about. But that's all she said.'

My heart sank. Was Cait trying to tell him about me? She knew that I was on a mission to break his heart, and she was just warning him like any good sister would. A sense of guilt loomed over me as I listened to Yaxuan's words.

'But that was actually crazy because I don't really trust she talking about my entourage? I know those guys aren't my friends though.' Yaxuan rubbed his chin in thought.

'Why is your sister always talking in code? Sometimes I wish she could just be direct with everything.' I complained.

'Trust me. So do I. There's no other person I trust...oh you.' he slightly chuckled and patted my hand. 'But you're a good person, a really great close friend.'

I forced a smile at him.

Before he could continue talking, there was a loud shrill scream coming from outside the cafeteria. The person was probably behind the cafeteria, on the lawn that faced the dorms.

'What was that?' Yaxuan asked as he placed his granola bar on the table.

'Help! Somebody!!!!' the person outside screamed, an undeniable fear in her voice.

The people who were in the cafeteria rushed out, but Yaxuan and I were a bit slow to react. We slowly got up from our seats and started following behind the people who were running pretty quickly.

'Oh man! That's disgusting!' one of the boys commented and looked away after seeing whatever it was that made everyone rush out. There was a crowd surrounding a small space in the lawn, and Yaxuan had started to comb through the crowd to get a clearer picture of what was happening.

'Someone call the cops, ASAP.' someone suggested.

Yaxuan had finally made his way to the front, and he seemed frozen in his spot. Seeing his reaction, I immediately pushed through the crowd as well and stood next to him. In front of us was the body of someone familiar, laid in a fashion that confirmed that life had left her body.

'Nooo!!!' Yaxuan suddenly screamed when he had taken in the situation, then walked over to the body and knelt beside it. 'Vivi! Vivi are you okay!?'

I understood why the boy had looked away, she had several stab wounds on her chest, her neck and heer side. The blood, although dry, was still excreting a putrid smell. The light blue cashmere sweater she had been wearing the previous day now had brownish spots of dried up blood.

'Yaxuan get away from there, you're destroying evidence,' one of the male students warned him, but Yaxuan was completely out of it.

He place Cait's head on his lap and continued to shake her body. 'Vivi! Vivi please wake up!' he pleaded, tears running down his face.

The students looked at each other a bit confused, wondering why Yaxuan was calling her Vivi. They were oblivious to what had recently been found out, so they were shocked to say the least.

Even though I wanted to look away from the gory scene in front of me, I summed up the courage and walked over to Yaxuan, placing a hand on his shoulder. I watched sympathetically as a tear rolled down from his cheek directly on Cait's body. Even without walking in his shoes, I understood how it would feel if I had found Roy's body. Worse still, Yaxuan and Vivi had just reunited. It was a very emotional spectacle in front of me.

'Yaxuan,' I tried to reason with him, rubbing his shoulder. 'You have to stay away from the body, the cops need to examine it.'

Yaxuan was gasping in his tears, but slowly, he started to lay Cait back down on the ground.

'Did anyone call the cops yet!?' I asked the crowd.

'Yeah!' somebody answered.

Yaxuan was still on his knees, and the students were watching him. Some started to wonder if Cait and Yaxuan were in a secret relationship, because his reaction over her death was unexpected. Sure, everyone was shocked and probably sympathetic, but this reaction was a bit too much in their view.

I didn't know what to say to Yaxuan, because I didn't know how heavy the weight of death was. I knew I had to say something eventually, but there was probably no comfort in this time of emptiness.

'I have to tell my mom,' Yaxuan said as he finally got up from his knees, wiping the tears that were running down his cheeks.

Before he could make the call, the cops showed up on the scene with some medics. The students made way for the two cops in their uniforms and were murmuring among each other about what happened.

The medics were the first to walk over to the body, and hoist her upon a stretcher.

'Does anyone know her family?' one of the cops asked while others rolled out yellow tape.

'Me!' Yaxuan immediately answered, 'I'm her family, this is her roommate,' he pointed at me.

The students looked at each other in surprise at Yaxuan's confirmation. But he didn't care, and I doubted if he even noticed that people were surprised by what he was saying.

'Alright, you two are coming with us.' the cop said.

He nodded and so did I.

'I think we have to tell her best friend Flora Daisy, she probably knows her parents.' one of the students suggested to the other, not audible enough for the cops to hear. 

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