Chapter 11

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I followed Yaxuan's trail, finding that I ended up in the parking lot. I wondered if I had lost him, until I finally saw his black Mercedes. I wondered if he was in his car, but it was rather hard to see with the tint on the windows. I walked closer to the car before bending next to the driver's side window and knocking on it.

The window rolled down and I was pleased to see Yaxuan. He gave me a small smile, his hands on the driver's wheel. Even though he smiled, I could tell it was not sincere.

'Hey,' he greeted me.

'Are you okay?' I asked him with a concern I didn't know was real or not. Probably not.

'Yeah I'm fine,' he answered then looked down. 'I'm going to my apartment. Wanna come with?'

I hesitated, not sure if I wanted to go there or not. I didn't really want to but if I went with him, I would probably have a better chance at asking him more about Vivi as requested by Roy and of course getting him emotionally attached as advised by Flora Daisy and Cait. I finally nodded.

'Cool,' Yaxuan nodded. 'Hop in then.'

Yaxuan didn't bother to open the door for me this time; either because this situation wasn't formal or because he was just too out of it. I walked over to the passenger's side and hopped into the passenger's side. I put on my seat belt, wondering who was going to talk about me and Yaxuan now, since there was always someone who seemed to have seen me with Yaxuan. But at least this time I wasn't exactly hiding this situation from anyone.


Me and Yaxuan were now silently standing in the apartment building's elevator. The silence wasn't exactly awkward, it was something which I expected seeing that he didn't seem to be in the best state.

When the elevator doors opened, Yaxuan and I stepped out. I followed behind him, looking around in awe at the luxurious building. Yaxuan stopped at the third door and placed his fingerprint on the scanner, then pulled the handle of the black door open. Inside was just as beautiful as the outside, and everything looked expensive. Yaxuan's apartment was decorated in monochrome, making it appear classy and elegant. The left wall was completely glass paneled, giving a quite generous view of the street below.

'Take a seat,' Yaxuan told me after he noticed I was still standing near the door. 'Sorry, I should have said that sooner.'

I nodded and walked over to the black leather couch, then sat down.

'So,' Yaxuan said as he joined me on the couch, sitting next to me. 'You're not really into boys are you?'

'Huh? Why would you ask that?'

'You know...' Yaxuan didn't finish the sentence, probably not finding the right words to say. But I was able to figure out what he meant to say.

'Oh because I don't like you right?'

'Yes...I don't mean to sound silly but...every girl who gets close to me falls for me. So what's up with you?' he asked seriously.

'Yaxuan, you are obviously very good-looking. But being good-looking doesn't guarantee that everyone will be attracted to you. Every girl is different so I guess you just met one who isn't into you.' I shrugged proudly. Seeing that defeated look on his face brought a good amount of pleasure to me.

Yaxuan nodded slowly, still taken aback. 'Anyway, what should I get you? You want something to drink? Water? Juice? Cider?'

'I'll have juice.'

Yaxuan got up from the couch. 'Coming right up.' he exited to the kitchen.

Once Yaxuan had left, I looked around the empty living room. On the segment of the couch where Yaxuan had sat, there was a black hoodie that seemed familiar. I pulled it towards my direction, noticing the golden large eagle imprinted at the back.

It belonged to Junlin, and he used to wear it almost every day. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Junlin lived in such an expensive apartment. I held it in my arms nostalgically for a moment, being greeted by the same scent of his usual body spray.

'Oh that belongs to my roommate,' Yaxuan announced as he walked back from the kitchen with a silver tray and a glass of juice in it.

'Oh, of course,' I said in slight embarrassment and put it back where I had taken it. 'I like it.'

'It's cool,' he shrugged and put the tray in front of me, then sat down next to me again.

I grabbed the glass from the tray and put it to my mouth. After I had taken a sip of the satisfyingly cold fruit juice, I removed it from my lips and smiled at Yaxuan. 'This is really good.'

'I know right? I've been drinking it since I was a kid.' he said with some excitement, probably relieving the old days in his mind.

Not wanting to veer away from the reason I was here, I immediately tried to relate what we were talking about to what Roy wanted to know and what would make this conversation more emotional. 'Speaking of being a kid, did you have any siblings growing up?'

Yaxuan's smile faded. 'What?'

'I asked if you had siblings.' I repeated even though I knew he had heard me the first time.

'Why are you asking me this?' he suddenly sounded serious, unlike the positive person he was a few moments ago.

'I was just curious that's all.'

'No you weren't,' he shook his head. 'You just asked that because of what happened in the cafeteria right? Wait a minute, did you just follow me so that you could dig dirt on why I reacted that way?'

Despite his sudden change in attitude, I tried to be cool about it. 'Of course not, I followed you because you're my friend and I was concerned about you...'

'Even if you were concerned, what right do you have to ask about my family? In case you didn't know, we just met, and you're nothing to me. There's no reason I would tell you about something so personal.'

So he was angrier than I thought, and I didn't think I understood why he was so angry. He got up from the couch and stormed off into the kitchen.

With that reaction, I felt it was best for me to leave. I couldn't stay in the apartment of someone who seemed to have his temper spiraling out of control.

'I guess I'll go now!' I announced from the living room as I got up.

'Yeah good idea.' he answered as he returned into the living room. Even though he was the one who had drove me here, it seemed he had no intention of driving me back. He slumped himself on the couch and grabbed the TV remote, ready to watch TV as if I was invisible.

Now I felt angry too. It felt like he had overreacted for some unknown reason or already had some pent up anger which he decided to take out on me. I wonder if the girls who liked him had seen this temperamental side of him or so it seemed.

I wanted to say something, but I ended up not saying it at all. Instead, I just walked over to the door and walked out. I would have to take the bus or the taxi back to school, but somehow it was quite better than driving with an angry Yaxuan.

I got into the elevator and put my hands in the pockets of my jacket after pressing the button to take me to the ground floor. Well, Yaxuan had surely made it quite easier for me to not fall in love with him. He acted like the complete jerk which many people painted him out to be.

When I stepped out of the apartment building, I was surprised to see Cait standing by the other side of the road. I was glad she didn't see me, because I was curious to understand what she was doing there.

I stealthily returned into the apartment building and hid behind the large potted plant which was just next to the glass doors. I continued to look at Cait, now realizing that she was staring at the top floor of the apartment building. It was Yaxuan's apartment which faced the street, and with all the glass, Cait was probably able to get a good view of Yaxuan's apartment. Why was she watching Yaxuan? Almost stalking him. I wondered if this was actually part of the club. 

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