Chapter 7

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When I had told Flora Daisy that Yaxuan had invited me to an expensive restaurant, she was pleased. She was glad I recognized that this was part of his plan to get the girls he wanted and I was ultimately not going to fall for it.

I didn't trust myself to dress for the occasion, I couldn't even remember ever going to a fancy restaurant before. So that evening, Cait decided to help me pick something out, also commenting that it would be good for me to pick something that would make Yaxuan fall even harder. And once again, I wasn't sure what kind of dress it would be.

Cait decided to put me in one of her dresses – it was long sleeved, fierce red and ended just above my knees. She finished up my look with a pair of sparkly heels and some evening makeup. When she put the mirror in front of my face, I had to admit that I looked great. Even the bun on my head was done so professionally.

'Thanks Cait,' I said with a smile, still admiring myself in the mirror.

She smiled. 'You're welcome. You know the thing about red? It's the most attention-grabbing color and has actually been proved to make a girl seem more attractive.'

'I guess I should wear more red then,' I joked.

Our conversation was cut short when my cellphone rang. I answered it almost immediately, knowing exactly who it was even though it was an unsaved contact. 'Hallo?'

'Hey,' Yaxuan's voice answered. 'So I guess I'll pick you up soon.'

'Pick me up?' I asked him with panic. We hadn't agreed on doing this, but Cait didn't seem surprised even though she probably knew what the conversation was about.

'Yeah, the time is like...18:00? I can't let you walk alone with all these kidnappings that have been happening recently.' Yaxuan advised, sounding almost as caring as Roy.

'Oh,' I looked at Cait nervously, and she nodded as if to encourage me to say yes. 'Okay then.'

'Where should I pick you up?'

'Um...the Green Corner Hostels.' I answered with slight embarrassment, because Yaxuan probably lived in an expensive apartment.

'Okay I'll be there in like 10 minutes.'

'Sure.' I said then hang up the cellphone. I didn't want an awkward drive with Yaxuan, having dinner with him was already bad enough. I didn't know what to say to him without making myself cringe.

'It's going to be fine, just be a natural.' Cait told me and put a hand on my shoulder.

I forced a smile.

A few minutes later, I heard a car honk outside. I sighed nervously and grabbed my clutch then got up from the bed.

'Wish me luck,' I said to Cait then walked over to the door. When I opened it, I could see headlights just outside the hostel barred gate. I summed up my courage and walked out of it, and was met by a black Mercedes Benz. I bet Roy would have loved to ride in this one day.

I put on a smile and walked towards the car. But before I could arrive, Yaxuan had already stepped out of the car and went over to the passenger's side. He smiled and opened the door for me.

'Thank you.' I said to him before entering the car. Yaxuan was too perfect to be real, I believe even if I didn't know he was a player, I would have been able to figure out that this was all an act. No boy is this perfect in the 21st century, is he?

Yaxuan kept it simple, he wore black dress pants and a white long-sleeved shirt with a bow tie. Even though it was simple, I could tell that what he was wearing was expensive. It all looked formal except for the fact that he was still wearing the silver crown necklace and didn't bother to put it inside his shirt.

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