Chapter 15

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So…what did you find out?’ Roy asked me as he walked into my room at 17:00. I hadn’t invited him, but I already had the feeling that he was going to come over even without being invited because he had seen me leaving with Yaxuan at lunch time.

‘What?’ I asked him with feigned innocence.

‘About Yaxuan you bonehead,’ he put his hands on his waist. ‘You forgot about our deal?’

‘You mean your manipulation?’ I asked him, sitting at the edge of my bed. I hesitated before I finally decided to spill the beans. ‘I found out something really juicy, but promise me if I tell you this, you’ll stop bothering me and you won’t tell anyone.’

‘Is it that juicy?’ Roy asked curiously as he sat next to me.

I felt guilty about revealing what Yaxuan had told me to my brother, but as long as he didn’t tell anyone, it wasn’t much of a big deal. I tried to recall everything Yaxuan had told me that afternoon to the best of my ability then explained it to Roy.

‘Wait that’s it?’ Roy asked me after I had finished.

‘Don’t tell me you knew all that already.’ I face palmed.

‘No I didn’t,’ Roy shook his head. ‘But that’s all he told you? You’re not leaving out something?’

I shook my head, certain that I had explained everything just as he had.

Roy got up from my bed and started to pace. ‘So many holes. Like I asked before, why would the kidnappers take Vivi only and leave Yaxuan behind? And they literally had him in the trunk according to Yaxuan, why’d they let him go at last minute?’ he rubbed his chin. ‘And…this is a national park. Can’t the security hear that Yaxuan and Vivi are screaming? Can’t they see kids are being kidnapped?’

‘I don’t know. You think Yaxuan lied?’

‘Could have.’ He shrugged.

I shook my head. ‘He seemed sincere, even almost cried. I think everything he said was true.’

‘It doesn’t make perfect sense.’

‘Whatever, remember what you promised me though?’ I raised a finger. ‘You promised that you’re gonna leave me alone after I gave you this juicy information.’

‘Come on Akira!’ Roy begged. ‘This story is leaving me with so many more questions. You have to find out more.’

‘You find out more on your own!’ I continued. ‘It was a promise Roy, so don’t change your mind now.’

‘Fine,’ he finally gave up and rolled his eyes. ‘I guess I’ll work around it.’ he turned to the bed next to mine. ‘Where’s your roommate?’

‘She’s usually out with her friend, I don’t even ask anymore when she doesn’t come here.’ I answered him honestly.


The next day, I was sitting in one of the classrooms of the abandoned buildings. I was waiting for the meeting to start, and somehow, the fact that I was going to be mentioned during this meeting was stressing me out.

Once most of the members had showed up, Flora Daisy got up from her seat and stood in front of us, with her usual pink tablet. ‘I’m glad you’re here ladies, we have important news to discuss.’

She started talking about some new girl who had been heartbroken by her boyfriend of two years, then started to talk about some signs of a heartbreaker. Some people were actually taking notes, hoping to avoid heartbreak in the near future.

Finally, she started talking about the issue that was probably on everyone’s mind. ‘So recently, we had Akira overcome all three stages of Yaxuan’s cunningness and we would really love to hear how it’s going so far.’

The girls murmured excitedly, turning around to face me. I didn’t like how all their eyes were on me at this point but I knew I had to speak; it was my beloved club after all.

‘Well, I must say it’s quite different now. He doesn’t seem arrogant like he used to…although his arrogance was always disguised by that smile, it was always there. Now he seems different and he’s opening up to me emotionally.’ I explained.

‘Aww,’ some of the girls cooed.

‘That is so sweet, he’s never really said anything to me except for complimenting my looks.’ One of his exes commented with her hand on her heart.

‘Oh me too,’ another one commented.

‘I’d say that’s good news.’ Flora Daisy said, hushing everyone. ‘Like I told you before, having an emotional connection with someone is what can enable you to break their heart, rather than something purely physical.’

‘Yeah but he called me a friend,’ I added, ‘so I don’t know if a “friend” can actually break someone’s heart.’

‘Well, being called a friend is an opening to an emotional connection. He does like you but he thinks he can’t have you, and like I said, that will make you want him more. Play with his feelings and crush him.’ She said soullessly, and for a moment I felt evil for doing this. ‘And also, be careful with Yaxuan’s “emotional” stories, it may be a new way to manipulate you since no one has ever reached phase 4 before.’
I didn’t really think about it but Flora Daisy could have been right. I quickly nodded.

‘Okay girls, it seems we’re done for today. Have a lovely afternoon.’ She dismissed the meeting and started walking away from the front of the classroom.

I swung my bag over my shoulder after class was done, and I was surprised to see the girls looking at their cellphones.

‘Oh my goodness,’ one of the girls said. They looked at each other and even formed small groups to talk about what was on their cellphones.

I even noticed Flora Daisy check her cellphone and seemed a bit taken aback.

When I looked at my cellphone in curiosity, I noticed a notification saying there was a new story on the School Website. I knew the person who wrote for the School, and I was seriously hoping it wasn’t what I thought I was.

‘So many holes? That sounds twisted.’ One girl said to her friend, confirming to me that it was what I thought it was. How could Roy do this after he literally promised that he wasn’t going to tell anyone? And now it was on the school news where everyone could read it. And Yaxuan would probably know that it was my doing.

‘Oh so Vivi is actually Yaxuan’s sister? I should have guessed that but I didn’t.’ A girl with a squeaky voice commented.

I shamefully walked out of the classroom, hoping I wasn’t going to bump into Yaxuan any time soon. But the guy even had my number. Once I was out of the door, I grabbed my cellphone and called Roy. I was so angry as I waited for him to pick up.

‘What’s up sis?’ Roy asked the moment he had answered his cellphone.

‘How could you publish the story!?’

‘What?’ he chuckled. ‘Oh that, did you read it?’

‘Do you think I have time to read your story? What the hell is Yaxuan going to think? That I milked him for information?’ I sighed. ‘He thought he was telling a friend.’

‘And you’re the friend?’ he chuckled. ‘Anyway, the story is so good that a news network wants to interview me to hear more about it. Isn’t that exciting!?’

‘Roy…how can you even be excited about…?’ I face palmed. ‘Where are you?’ perhaps explaining this to him in real life would make things easier for him to understand what he seemed to not be getting.

‘I’m hanging out in the cafeteria.’

‘Coming.’ I angrily said before shoving my cellphone in my jeans pocket.

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