Chapter 33

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Yaxuan and I left the police station that evening after we had answered a few questions about Cait. I had to talk about how the claim that Yaxuan was Cait's brother came about, and talk about any suspects I had in mind or any enemies she had. As far as I knew, Cait didn't have any enemies. If she had enemies, they were probably people who hated her because of Flora Daisy's attitude. Cait was a sweet person, unlike her best friend, so no one particularly hated her.

'I don't get it,' Yaxuan told me at the back seat of the police car, seeming more emotionless than I knew he was feeling. 'Why would she lie? And where did she get that necklace?'

I shook my head. 'I don't know. Do you think it has something to do with everything else that's going on?'

'I don't know. All I know is that this is some kind of twisted web.' he turned to look outside the window. 'And before this, she told me not to trust the people around me. Well she forgot to tell me that one of the people I shouldn't trust is her.'

'But Cait is not a bad person, I doubt if she did all of this just to play with your feelings...I'm sorry.' I apologized once more.

'It's fine...nothing adds up.'

Yaxuan's cellphone rang, and he checked the caller ID and saw that it was his mother. He sighed to himself.

'Great, I got myself in trouble,' he picked up the call and put it to his ear. 'Hi mom, forget about what I was telling you. It was a joke.'

'A joke?' Mrs. Song answered. 'No it wasn't, I just checked the news and they say some girl from your school is dead. Is that whom you were talking about? What makes you think she's your sister?'

'I said forget it.' Yaxuan repeated.

'No, did she lie to you that she's Vivi or something? Yaxuan, didn't I tell you to stop with this Vivi thing? Now look at what it's caused. People are misleading you simply because you're too desperate to find someone who probably died ages ago!?'

Yaxuan started to sniff, then wiped the first tear that rolled out of his eyes. 'I'm sorry.'

'You better stop this nonsense okay?'

Yaxuan nodded before deciding to answer. 'Okay.'

His mother hang up the cellphone, and Yaxuan put it back in his jeans pocket. He wiped the rest of his tears with the palm of his hand.

'Yaxuan...please don't cry. I'm really sorry about what happened.' I sighed. 'It's not your fault, it's Cait's fault.'

'But my mom is right. If I wasn't so into this Vivi thing, this wouldn't have happened. Why can't I just move on?' he looked down at his lap. 'And now I got betrayed, I wonder who's going to betray me next.'

My heart sunk at his last sentence, I would probably be the person to betray him next. I still had to break his heart, I wasn't his friend, even though I was acting as one. Of course I felt the emotion and wanted to comfort him when he cried and be there for him, but I had to ignore those emotions because my aim wasn't to be around him for too long.

I could see the cops giving us side glances and were probably listening in to the conversation. Even the cops who didn't know the full story probably felt how broken Yaxuan was.

When we finally arrived at school, Yaxuan was the first to get off the car and walked off without saying goodbye. He was walking quickly, and even though I should have been offended that he didn't say goodbye, I knew he was too emotional at this point. He was probably going to get into his car then drive to his apartment to cry.

'Hey kid,' the cop said to me as I got out of the car.

'Yes?' I responded.

'Take care of your boyfriend, the kid is a mess.' he advised.

I smiled in slight embarrassment. 'He's not my boyfriend.'

The cop laughed before he started the car and drove off. I turned away from the car and back to the school building. The sun was setting above us, and the first stars would have started to appear within a few minutes. I had to get back to my hostel, and I wondered how empty and weird it would feel knowing that the girl who once slept on the bed opposite mine was dead.

It made me wonder how Roy was. Was he dead as well? Don't think that Akira, I said to myself in my head.

'Akira!' Flora Daisy's familiar voice called to me as she got out of Mr. and Mrs. Wong's car which had arrived a few minutes after the one we were riding. 'Wait up!'

I nodded. I watched as Flora Daisy thanked Cait's parents for the ride before walking over to me with her usual straight face.

'We need to talk, it's important.' Flora Daisy said to me. 'Let's sit somewhere.'

'Oh, okay.'


Flora Daisy and I ended up in the cafeteria, which was slowly filling up with people who wanted to get their supper. We sat at the corner because we weren't exactly there for the food, and the conversation was something people were probably not supposed to hear.

'I'm not talking to you right now as just Flora Daisy, I'm talking to you as The Heartbreak Club president.' she announced. It was amazing or strange how Flora Daisy still had the strength to focus on her Heartbreak Club duties when her best friend just died.

'Okay.' I nodded.

'Did you see how broken Yaxuan was? Gosh he's so emotional right now.' she laughed. 'And what better time to break his heart than when he's got his world crumbling down? Imagine how he will feel when his closest friend and the girl he probably likes breaks up with him as well?'

'I guess so...'

'This is the perfect time Akira,' she suggested. 'You have to break up with him and I will personally make you the next vice president of The Heartbreak Club. Because this will be the most epic heartbreak ever.'

'What? No.' I immediately denied. 'Yaxuan is so hurt...'

'I know that and that's the point of what I was just saying. Were you even listening?'

'How can you be so heartless?' I couldn't believe how monstrous Flora Daisy was.

'Don't tell me you feel sorry for him, he broke the hearts of so many girls soullessly as well. Do you know there are some girls who failed the semester he broke up with them? He's a monster and you're being caught in his trap just like every other girl was.'

'Fine he broke people's hearts, but he's not doing it anymore. He doesn't deserve to go through this...'

'Akira,' Flora Daisy cut me. 'People like Yaxuan never change...he's just trapped you like he did to other girls. Do what I say or else you're out of The Heartbreak Club.' she gave the ultimatum, looking at me deviously. I've never disagreed with Flora Daisy like this, most people were scared of her. I was too, but at this point I knew what the right thing to do was.

'I guess I'm out of The Heartbreak Club,' I stood up from the chair. 'I really need to get going now, it's getting dark.'

Flora Daisy glared at me and stood up as well. 'You know what? Either you break up with him or I expose the reason you're hanging out with him.'

'And risk exposing The Heartbreak Club to a boy?' I shot back.

She shrugged. 'If it breaks the heart of the worst playboy in this school? Sure. So either you do what I say...or I do it for you.' She smirked.

'I'm out of here.' I concluded before walking away from the table.

I looked back at Flora Daisy who was watching me with a smirk on her face. She knew she had the upper hand in this. 

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