Chapter 13

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Friday came quicker than I expected. I had never really been to a school party before, seeing I was either never invited to one or they were usually too wild and rowdy for my liking. But because I was with Roy, I guess I wasn't as nervous as I would have been.

I opened the door to the apartment and walked in with Roy. I was greeted by the sight of quite a large group of people. Some of them were sitting on the couches conversing, while others were dancing. The living room was much darker than the time I had visited, this time being illuminated by bluish lights.

'So where's your boyfriend?' Roy whispered to me.

'I don't know, and he's not my boyfriend.' I replied, looking around the living room.

The person I had noticed was someone I didn't want to see: Junlin. He had a glass in his hand as he conversed with some of his friends, and I was thankful that he didn't see me. I didn't want another awkward moment with him.

'Akira,' I heard Yaxuan's voice announce as he approached us. He smiled and stood in front of us, grabbing the attention of other partiers in the building. 'I'm so glad you're here...and with your brother, that's so cool.'

'Nice place,' Roy said with a forced smile on his face.

'Oh really? Thanks. Care for any refreshments?' he signaled to the table in front of us, full of a variety of drinks. I looked at Roy, waiting for his response on the offer.

'Sure,' he responded and pulled me, leaving Yaxuan behind us. Yaxuan walked away from where he was standing to join some of his friends in conversation.

'So, you're gonna distract Yaxuan for me right?' Roy asked me as he pretentiously picked a bottle from the table.

'Distract him for what? Where are you going?' I grabbed his arm in surprise.

'Yaxuan's room of course, I'm looking for something.'


Before I could even say anything, Roy walked away from me and disappeared through the corridor. He didn't even know where Yaxuan's room was, neither did I. But there he was playing detective.

I wished I could follow him, but I would put the both of us in trouble if Yaxuan had found us sneaking into his room. I tensely turned to Yaxuan who seemed to still be busy with his friends. Maybe I had nothing to worry about, I just had to make sure Yaxuan didn't leave to walk into his room for whatever reason. I really hated Roy at this moment, it's like he never thought of good plans whenever he tried to do something. Worse still, he never told me his plan before he initiated it. If he did, I would have immediately said no.

Sipping the soft drink I had picked from the table through a straw, I watched Yaxuan closely, making sure my eyes were continually on him and I wouldn't lose him in the crowd the moment I looked away. More than once, our eyes met as he talked with his friends, but I was glad he didn't seem to notice anything.

After a short while, Yaxuan walked over and stood opposite to me. 'You're lonely aren't you? Where's your brother?'

'Um...he's hanging out with some other guys.' I stammered.

'That's okay, you can hang out with me I guess.' He shrugged. 'So are you enjoying the party?'

'Yes it's cool.' I answered awkwardly. But after a while, Yaxuan and I's conversation became a little bit more natural. We randomly conversed until Yaxuan was done with his drink.

'I'll be right back,' Yaxuan said and moved away from me, walking to the corridor.

'Wait! Wait! Where are you going!?' I asked him immediately and followed behind him, grabbing his arm.

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