Chapter 25

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When I had met my parents that evening, I didn't want them to lose hope. So I didn't tell them about the conduct of the cops, not wanting them to be worried sick about losing Roy. Of course they were both worried, my mom seemed to already be losing it, but I had to assure them that he was alright despite my own doubts. The last conversation we had on the phone kept coming into my mind, and I hoped he was okay.

My parents were going to stay in the city for a while until Roy was found, and they found a local cheap motel for their stay. They dropped me off at my hostel before they drove back to their motel, leaving my mind full of so many thoughts about Roy.

Before I could open the door to my room, my cellphone rang. I picked it up once I saw that it was Yaxuan. 'Hello?'

'Hey, any good news on Roy?' he asked immediately.

'Nothing, and the police don't seem to be up for it.' I said as I opened the door.

'I'm sorry,' he apologized. 'Where are you? Your hostel?'

'Uh-ha,' I nodded as I walked inside, finding Cait on her bed admiring some of her new clothes which were sprawled out on the bed.

'Is Cait in?' he asked me nervously. 'I couldn't meet her without you, I was just too nervous and I didn't know what to say.'

'She is,' I looked at Cait momentarily before I threw myself on my bed.

'Can I come over and talk to her?'

I wasn't really in the state to get involved with Yaxuan's issue right now, but if he was going to talk to her himself, then it probably wouldn't involve me. I didn't believe that though, I had a feeling Yaxuan was going to involve me one way or the other. For a playboy, he sure seemed afraid of Cait.

'I guess,' I told him. 'It's your business anyway.'

'Okay,' Yaxuan took a deep breath then hang up the cellphone.

'Hey roomie, why'd you come so late today?' Cait asked me as she placed the clothes in front of herself in front of the full sized mirror. They were chic and looked quite expensive for a girl who wasn't from a very rich family.

'I had issues.' I said soullessly, not wanting to engage into a conversation about Roy's absence. I didn't want to talk about it, it was weighing on me too much.

Thankfully, Cait got the memo and didn't continue to talk to me about it. Instead, she continued to admire herself in her mirror.

I was staring at the ceiling in thought when I heard a knock on the door. Cait stopped admiring herself in the mirror and looked at the wooden door.

'Who could that be at this hour?' she asked herself, but I already knew who it was, I just didn't have the interest to reply.

Cait put her clothes on her shoulder and walked over to the door. She opened it and smiled at the person on the other side. 'Hello Yaxuan, are you looking for Akira?'

'Yes,' Yaxuan answered briefly.

'Come on in,' Cait let him inside before she closed the door. She stopped admiring herself in the mirror and sat on the bed instead, now focusing on her cellphone. Yaxuan looked at her momentarily before walking over to my bed, I knew he would involve me in this one way or the other.

He sat down at the edge of my bed and turned to me. 'Can you ask her for me?'

'You can literally just ask her Yaxuan,' I told him in a slight whisper, and she didn't bate an eye in our direction.

'I don't know where to start.'

I grudgingly got up from my bed and sat next to Yaxuan instead, facing Cait's bed.

'Cait,' I said quickly, wanting to show Yaxuan how easy it would be to ask the question. 'Yaxuan is wondering if you're his sister.'

'What?' Cait asked with a surprised face then laughed. 'What kind of question is that?'

'Just that,' Yaxuan took over the conversation, 'Akira told me about you wearing a certain necklace and it's exactly like mine. And these necklaces were custom made for me and my sister.'

She tilted her head to the side in thought. 'Really? Which necklace? Sorry I own several necklaces.'

Yaxuan held out the necklace that was around his neck, carefully displaying the crown at the bottom of it. 'This one.'

Cait squinted her eyes and observed it from the short distance between our beds, then shook her head. 'Sorry, I don't have a necklace like that.'

'Huh?' I found myself getting involved in the conversation I was trying to avoid. 'You do, you wore it that time when you were practicing for your presentations.'

'Oh that one?' Cait laughed. 'They're totally different, perhaps you were confused because they both have crowns on them. I'm really sorry.'

I felt pitiful as I looked at Yaxuan who had probably given himself false hope that his sister was alive. He looked to the floor then looked up back at Cait, who was still laughing about the conversation as she got back to her cellphone. But as Yaxuan looked at her, it looked as if he had seen something interesting.

'What is it?' I asked him curiously.

He didn't answer me. Instead, he got up from his bed and marched over to Cait. She looked up at him in surprise as he towered over her.

'Can you take out your necklace?' he asked her as he looked at the partly visible necklace around her neck which was inside her pink crop top.

'Excuse me?' Cait slightly shrunk away from him like he was some kind of creep.

'Take it out, please, I need to see it.'

'You're making me really uncomfortable right now,' she admitted.

'That's polished silver,' Yaxuan pointed out as he continued to observe the necklace. 'Let me see, please.'

Cait slowly took the necklace out of her top, and I was surprised to see that it was exactly like Yaxuan's. So I was right after all, and Cait was lying.

Yaxuan's breath hitched. He looked at her carefully, bending at her height on the bed. He seemed to be observing her facial features, and it was hard for me to know if he was convinced that it was her or not. He swept her blonde dyed hair away from her face, then stood up. I don't know if I'd be able to recognize someone I had seen as a preteen now as a young adult, but perhaps Yaxuan would know since he had been thinking about her for the longest time, within all these years she'd been missing.

Yaxuan then stood up straight, and I was surprised at how calm Cait was during Yaxuan's observation of her.

'How could you lie to me, Vivi?' Yaxuan asked with a trembling voice that was thick with tears.

The revelation surprised me, and I looked at the two of them with shock. Yes, I was worried about Roy, but right now this overwhelming issue had found a way to make me momentarily forget about Roy. Was Cait really Vivi?

'I had a good reason,' Cait, or should I say Vivi, defended herself.

Yaxuan shook his head. 'You pretended you didn't know me all these years then had the guts to continue to lie to me? And you would have continued to pretend that you didn't know me?' his emotions seemed to be a mixture of anger and pain. I could tell that he was about to start crying.

Cait got up from her bed and stood opposite him. 'I had a good reason. I do have a good reason. I wouldn't just lie to you.' She said.

Yaxuan was too overwhelmed, he shielded his eyes as he started to cry, completely convinced that his sister was still alive and she had been around him all this time. 

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