Chapter 39

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Yaxuan was sitting in a 24-hr diner in the middle of town. He had been playing with the straw of his drink, stuck in thought as the time approached 4 am.

He didn't know who to trust, it was becoming obvious that he had poor judgment.

The thoughts were overbearing, because he was now realizing that his mother had something to do with everything. There was a possibility that Mrs. Song knew where Roy and all those other kidnapped boys were.

He wondered if there was something he could do. He indeed needed to do something, Vivi was suggesting that some of them were to be killed. He couldn't let them do that. Now he had to think about the fact that Vivi was alive, and that was surprising in it's own sense as well.

Perhaps he had to call the police and tell them, but something about his mother going to jail didn't sit right with him.

Then, Yaxuan suddenly got an idea. He grabbed his bags and walked out of the diner as fast as his legs could take him.


Yaxuan stopped outside the gates of the mansion in his car, and the guards opened the gates almost immediately when they saw his car.

'What's up with young master today? He keeps going back and forth.' one of the guards said to the others.

Yaxuan got out of his car once he had parked it inside. 'I need one of you to drive me to the location!'

The men looked at each other, failing to understand Yaxuan's demand.

'To the place where the kidnapped people are.' Yaxuan changed his statement. The guards were bound to know, they were probably the ones who opened the gates whenever she was going somewhere and could probably even be sent to the location. That was his assumption, and he was hoping he was not wrong.

'Oh that location,' one of the guards repeated, then bowed his head. 'Forgive us young master, we don't know.'

'You don't know?' Yaxuan repeated in shock. But he didn't believe them, he was completely done with trusting people.

'Yes,' the other guard nodded. 'None of us men are ever sent there, or are allowed there. The only person who has ever been there is Mary.'

'Oh of course,' Yaxuan nodded, wanting to seem like he knew what he was talking about. The last thing he wanted was to seem suspicious. 'I'll just...get her.'

'This seems very important young master.' the first guard said.

'It is,' Yaxuan quickly escaped the conversation and walked inside the house. He didn't want too many questions.

He needed to sneak around, because he didn't want to wake his mother up. Mary's room was a floor beneath the living room, and he knew exactly how to get there. But his trust was too shattered, how was he going to be sure she would take him to the location? Everyone in the house seemed secretly evil.

There was something oddly familiar about this thing of not letting men know something. It sounded like a theory one of his friends had told him about, about a club in school called The Heartbreak Club. It was said they did not allow boys to know anything to do with their affairs, but Yaxuan immediately debunked the idea. He thought girls in college had better things to do than form a club for revenge.

If there was an agreement to not let boys know, then Mary could have been hesitant to tell Yaxuan the location, let alone take him there.

Everyone else was playing dirty, so why shouldn't he? He decided to walk into the kitchen and grab the knife that was still on the floor. He looked at it for a moment, and the blood was a reminder and a confirmation of what had went down in the wee hours. He looked at the cut on his hand which he had not bothered to cover, but had now stopped bleeding.

Not wasting time, Yaxuan made his way out of the kitchen and to the end of the corridor. There was a white door which led to Mary's room. Mary was a young woman, probably in her late twenties, and his mother trusted her very much indeed.

Yaxuan pushed the door open carefully, then started taking careful steps as he walked down the stairs.

'Mrs. Song?' he heard Mary's voice ask from the bottom, but he didn't reply.

Instead, he continued to walk down the stairs with the knife behind him. He didn't want to use it unless he was sure that Mary would indeed not tell him the location.

'Mrs...?' Mary started to ask again as she got out of bed, but she didn't finish her sentence when she saw Yaxuan standing in front of her. She gasped. 'What an outrage! Young Master, what are you doing in here!?'

'Mary, I need you to take me to where the kidnapped people are.' he demanded.

'Oh?' she gave him an incredulous look. 'Have you asked permission from your mother?'

'Yeah, she's the one who told me.'

'Hmm,' she narrowed her eyes. 'I'm going to have to ask her first sir.' She immediately grabbed her cellphone from her bedside table, but Yaxuan finally put his knife on display. He pointed it at her.

'Take me there right now,' he glowered.


'Now! And put the phone down!' for a moment, Yaxuan couldn't believe he sounded like that. He had always been sweet and reeked of naivety, but he felt he was done with that.

Fearfully, Mary put the phone back on her bedside table.

'Get up, and drive me there.' he repeated.

Mary fearfully got up from her bed in her velvet knee-length night gown. She started to walk towards the stairs, and Yaxuan followed behind her, the knife still pointed at her as he followed.

'And if you dare make a sound, I'll kill you.' he threatened.

Mary gulped and nodded. A part of her didn't believe it, Yaxuan would never hurt anyone. But she wasn't willing to take the risk. She didn't know how much college had changed him, so she decided it was safe to do what he wanted.

She arrived at the front door, and he continued to follow her as she opened it. Once they were outside, he lowered the knife and put it behind him again. He didn't want the guards outside to see him with the knife.

He led her to his Mercedes, then made her enter the driver's seat. Without wasting any time, he went over to the passenger's side. He placed the knife in front of her stomach, resting his hand on her lap. In a matter of seconds, if he could decide, he would be able to plunge the knife in her stomach.

'Take me there. And if you tell any of the guards, I'm going to kill you.' he continued.

'Yes sir,' she answered with a forced calmness, she didn't want her fear to overtake her. She took a deep breath and turned the key into the ignition, then started to drive towards the gate.

The two guards opened the gates almost immediately, not wanting to cause any trouble for Yaxuan for a second. They knew that doing that would put them in trouble with Mrs. Song, so they made sure to give him all the respect they could.

Mary had both her hands on the steering wheel, her heart thumping hard. She knew she had to do what Yaxuan said, or else she would end up losing her life. The look on his face was completely ruthless, a look she had never seen before.

She knew she could lose her job for doing this, but it was much better than losing her life. So she drove where he wanted them to go.

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