Chapter 19

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Yaxuan fixed his hair as he looked at the rearview mirror. Friday evening had come, and he would have rather spent it somewhere else than his mother's house. Still more, he had questions to ask her, and he knew she wouldn't let him leave until Monday.

Yaxuan hadn't been at the house for a while, even though his mother had told him several times to pay her a visit. He just didn't enjoy being home, it was much more fun being at school in his opinion. He had more freedom and he could be around his fake friends who usually made him laugh and forget his problems.

Currently, Yaxuan had just parked at his mother's workplace: The Song's Oil Company Building. He got out of his car and pressed the lock button, already knowing that the inside of the building would be packed due to the number of cars in the large parking lot.

Yaxuan walked over to the five story building in front of him and was met by two guards standing on opposite sides of glass doors.

'Good evening Mr. Song,' both of the guards in their black suits greeted him, despite the fact that Yaxuan was their junior in age.

'Good evening, is she in?' Yaxuan asked them.

'Yes sir,' one of the guards assured him. Yaxuan nodded and put his hand on the door handle, then pushed the door open. Once he was inside, he closed it.

Yaxuan walked past several people on the first floor and got to the elevator. He waited for it to get to the fifth floor where his mother's office was, and she was probably working late just like she usually did. When the elevator doors opened, Yaxuan was surprised to find several people waiting outside his mother's secretary's office at this hour.

He could hear his mother speaking loudly to someone in her office, and he was very sure she loved the power and authority she had whenever she spoke to someone. She was a highly independent woman, and being in a field dominated by men always made her feel proud of herself.

Yaxuan walked past the row of people and walked over to the open secretary's door. He was about to enter when a voice stopped him.

'Hold on there buddy, where do you think you're going?' the man who was standing near the secretary's door asked him.

Yaxuan stopped and turned around. 'Inside?'

'We've been waiting to meet Mrs. Song for hours, you're going to the back of the line.'

Yaxuan didn't know whether to tell the man that Mrs. Song was his mother or not, but he would rather surprise the man than tell him that fact. 'I never wait in line.' he decided to say instead.

'You think I care buddy?'

'Yaxuan,' his mother's secretary commented, popping her head out of the office door. 'I don't think this is a good time, as you can see, your mom is really busy. She has so many people she needs to meet so maybe you should meet her at home.'

'But mom says I can always come here when I want to.' he told her matter-of-factly.

The secretary forced a smile. 'I know that Yaxuan but...'

'Miss. An!? Is that Yaxuan!?' Mrs. Song's voice shouted from her office.

'Yes ma'am!' Miss. An slightly yelled in response before walking over to Mrs. Song's door and slightly opening it. 'I told him you're busy but...'

'How dare you tell him that!? Bring him in right now!' Mrs. Song yelled and turned to the man whom she was currently talking to. 'Can you step out for a minute? I have to meet my son.'

The man sulked, but either way, he knew he couldn't do anything. He nodded and got up from the seat, trying his best to keep himself from storming out angrily. He walked past Yaxuan angrily as he took his spot in the line.

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