Chapter 27

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The next day in a late afternoon, I did not hear any good news about Roy once again. I was really beginning to lose all hope at this point.

I was sitting in one of the classrooms studying while not even getting a single thing from what I was reading. But that was expected since my mind was a mess.

When my cellphone rang, I checked the contact before answering it. It was Flora Daisy. 'Hello?' I said.

'Hey,' she answered with her usual cold tone. 'So you've decided to start skipping meetings now?'

'What?' I asked in surprise. I didn't know about any meeting, but then I finally recalled that we always had meetings on Wednesdays, which was yesterday. I face palmed. 'I'm sorry.'

'You're sorry? What are you up to Akira? Don't tell me you've fallen for Yaxuan.'

'Of course not,' I immediately denied, shaking my head even though she couldn't see me. 'I just had a hard time recently. I was kind of distracted with looking for Roy that I forgot about the meeting.'

'I don't care who you're looking for, Heartbreak Club is supposed to be your first priority.' She reprimanded me.

'But Roy is my brother,' I replied. I didn't understand how Flora Daisy could be this insensitive over someone's family going missing. How could she even insinuate that the Heartbreak Club was more important than a missing family member?

'Of course I know he's your brother but he's a boy. When you joined Heartbreak Club, you promised that your loyalty is first of all to your gender. So if something involves Heartbreak Club and the other thing involves a boy, you have to honor Heartbreak Club first.'

I was surprised with what I was hearing. I knew Flora Daisy was probably a feminist, but I wondered if this was feminism anymore or just being absolute crazy. Her hate for men was beyond anything I've ever experienced in my life. I fought the urge to rant about how insensitive she was being over my brother's disappearance, but I decided it wasn't worth it. Flora Daisy will always be Flora Daisy.

'Sure,' I decided to reply.

'Yeah don't let it happen again. I'm hoping to see you in the next meeting.' She hang up the cellphone without waiting for my reply.

Flora Daisy had currently annoyed me to the core. I slammed my laptop shut and put it in my bag, realizing that studying probably won't work at this moment. I was better off having a walk or something to cool me off, too much stress was building up in my system.

I got up from the desk and walked out of the classroom. I couldn't even believe I missed Roy. When he was around, he was annoying, but I kept wishing for him to come back or to be found, just anything.

As I continued to walk, I almost bumped into Yihang.

'Oh I'm sorry,' I said to him, realizing it was my fault because I was not paying attention to my surroundings.

'Akira, I've been hoping to meet you.' Yihang suddenly said to me. 'Too bad I didn't have your number. I needed to tell you something important.'

It was an odd statement because Yihang and I never talked, but I nodded nonetheless. The two of us moved away from the middle of the hallway to the left wall, just to make sure we weren't blocking anyone's way despite the fact that it was wide.

'Look, I don't know if this will be helpful but I'm hoping it will...I've remembered something. Roy told me where he was going before he left.' Yihang rubbed his chin a bit unsurely.

'Really!? Why didn't you tell me that time!?' I asked desperately.

'I forgot...anyway, he said that he was going to Sinise Street,' Yihang shrugged. 'Which was weird cause I've never heard of him going there.'

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