chapter 21

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You stepped out of your Uber, with your medium-sized suitcase by your side. "It's now or never " you pulled your lounge with you towards the entrance, Never knew bakugo was rich, you ringed the doorbell waiting for an answer.

" Hello, It's me y/n!" You said waiting, you saw the door open revealing a brown-haired adult male. " Hello there, you must be y/n, katsuki girlfriend isn't it," he asked with a nervous but bright smile.

" yup" you smiled back, making him know that you already felt welcomed. " oh my bad, I'm Katsuki's dad," he said, letting you in. " nice to meet you.", looking around to see if you could find your grumpy ass boyfriend.

" Are you looking for katsuki?" A female asked you. You nodded, she then said, " I figured, he's in his room upstairs..oh and I'm that's Brat mother" she pointed to the stairs,  you bowed
and said what was required.

Letting out some air you relaxed your body, " thank God that's over" you smiled in relief. You entered bakugo room to see him sleeping on his bed.

" yo, bakuhoe wake yo ass up, I'm here!!" You yelled jumping on him.

" what the fuck is wrong with you" he groaned, holding his side as you laughed. " shut up, I know you missed me" you teased, making him you push off the bed.

" so what if I did, now shut up I'm trying to sleep, nerd" he whispered, rolling to the other side of the bed. You sighed, looking around his room. It was surprisingly clean, with no broken doors or burnt items.

"What were you expecting dumbass" he stared at your stunned face with a smirk, "aw, did you clean up because of me " you joked, getting up off the floor. " I swear, I'll blow your ass straight to hell!" He shouted, standing on the bed.

" No shouting the house brat, we have a guest!" His mother yelled after him. " tch, shut up old hag" he whispered under his breath.

" oh what did you just say, Katsuki Bakugo!" She said, holding her Jesus slipper that looked like it could deliver a good ass holy bax, ( bax=slap :)).

"Oops, Jit in trouble," you said, looking away.

" come on dear, you don't want  Bakugo's girlfriend to see that right now, she just came, " her husband told her trying to calm down his short-tempered wife.

" fine " she walked out.

".......Let's go training" you dragged him off the bed and out the house." I'm fucking tired" bakugo whines, taking his arm back." Don't you want to beat Deku? " you asked with a smirk, As he shrugged and followed you.

" oh yeah, go for our water bottles" you remind him, " why don't you get it," he said with his tired face.

" hmmm....ok " you smiled, going for your water bottle only, if he wanted it he would of when.

" where's mine?" He asked, but you just patted his back. " if you wanted water, you would of went for it when I asked you too, now suffer♡︎  "  his eyelids became squinted from anger, " oops, did I pull a nerve big boy" you laughed, taking a sip from your water bottle.

" yeah sure," he then yanked you towards him, kissing you pushing his tongue in your mouth, to get a taste of the cool and refreshing liquid. You were stunned, he is improving in some areas.

" you- you just...boy what the hell boy" you stammered out, walking away. " that's what you get for playing with fire" he smirked, running after you.

" ok, here looks good" you observed his backyard, " come 50 push-ups with me, the loser has to sleep on the floor" your mouth parted showing your teeth has your thumb pointed towards him.

" Why don't you just sleep beside me you idiot, it's not like it's going be the first" he protested, leaving you dumbfounded......., ." Yeah no, I like my plan better, now suck it up bakuhoe".

" where the fuck do you get these names from chocolate bitch ",  " you know that doesn't make any sense right," you sighed, has your boyfriend just killed the mood.

" shut up, and let's just do the dam push-ups already".

" don't cry when you lose to me" you got down on the ground,  bakugo then followed showing you his middle finger.

           " we will see about that, Nerd"

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