chapter 26

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Few months past, it was now winter break and you had to choose a hero agency to study at. Some of the others went with the heroes that they first went to but some changed.

"Ugh, I don't know, maybe endeavor I mean the dude got the same type of quirk as me so I couldd learn a few sfuff" you groaned laying on your desk.

"That's if he lets your ass in" denki responded leaning back into his chair, you pushed your foot lightly against his chair making him fall over hitting his head.

" that what your ass get for not keeping yo mouth shut, now come here Pikachu, my phone wanna charge"you smirked holding your charger.

"No thanks " he groaned out a sigh laugh rubbing his head," your should just go with your original plan idoit, plus i'll be there" you heard bakugo said with his arm against his cheek.

"Look at bakugo looking all smart eh" you teased poking his cheeks as he then bit your finger.

"Fuck off, tch" he said has you whimpered rubbing your finger as denki laughed, "I guess karma is real, bahaa" he laughed.

"Shut up, dimpshit"you hissed at him only to make his laugh harder.

" watch when school is over I am fuck you up,".

_________________________________________________ __________________

"Wait, you both are coming too, sweet " you say, as you where having a little conversation with the boys in the dorms  living room only to find out that todoroki and deku are coming too; going to be one very interested studied other from bakugo yelling at deku which is a must.

" yeah, I'm really excited, I can't wait to explore the life of the number one hero life, I should probably carry an extra notebook for my notes....." He said as he started to ramble to him to himself.

" Shut the hell up you fickimg nerd your making my ear drums bleed" bakugo yelld blasted the broccoli hairs book of the chair.

"He didn't deserve that bakugo"Todoroki said in his low tone of voice as he slurp more of his cold soba into his mouth.

" on god " you agreed with him.

" Yeah yeah what ever," bakugi said taking a seat beside of you, " who you sitting beside, go help him up and sear beside him" you say, pushing him off the couch.

"I fucking hate you"

"Oh I love you too kacchan".

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