CH 21

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The Halliwell siblings and Clark Kent are preparing for finals week. Clark is hanging out at the Halliwell resident so he can study with Wyatt. The boys are in Wyatt's and Clark's room and are focusing on their criminology class when Chris walks in after knocking on the door. 

"What's up?" Wyatts greets his brother and becomes worried when he sees the look on his brother's face. 

"What's wrong?" 

Chris just sighed. "There is a problem with the demons. We should take care of it." 

"Ok," Wyatt replies. "Should I involve Melinda too?" 

"Sure," Chris replies as they all head over to Melinda's room and knock on her door. 

"Come in," Melinda replies as her brothers and Clark walks in. 

"What's up?" Melinda asks as she spins around in her chair that is at her desk.

"Mom asks us to handle some demons today. Do you wanna come with me?" 

"How long will it take?" Mel asks as Chris smiles. 

"Not long. 35-40 minutes max." 

"I am in," Mel replies as they all grab hands so Wyatt can all orb them to the place where they are supposed to go to. When they get there, they look around when they see a couple of demons so they have to hide behind some rocks. 

"They there are," Chris states as they spot some demons when Mel smirk and gets up. 

"I will distract them," as she runs over to the demon and blew up one of the demons bringing attention to herself.

A demon summons a fireball and throws it at her but she orbs out of the way and blows up the demon.  Chris uses his crushing powers on the demon by levitating the demon and breaking their necks. The other demon summons the energy ball and throws it at Wyatt but Wyatt avoids it by telekinetically orb yelling "energy ball," grab it and throw it back to the demon, killing him instantly. This leaves other demons however one of them tries to attack Clark but Clark dodges it and uses his powers by levitating out of the way and use his solar eyes on the demon, killing him as well as leaving the other demons by themselves. The Lazarus demon attacks them but Melinda dodges it and blows him up. Chris then orbs a box and puts the ashes in and buries it in the cemetery. When he finishes digging the grave and bury it he orbs back to his siblings and Clark to see them battling an upper demon.

Chris yells, "Hey jerk face," instantly distracting him letting Melinda and Wyatt using their explosion power, however it doesn't work, making the demon smirk. 

"You guys are powerful witches. However, you are not powerful enough. Only the Charmed one can vanquish me." 

"You wanna bet?" Wyatt states as he takes his siblings hands and raises one of their hands and chants, "power of 3 I now decree. The power of three will set you free. the power of three will destroy thee," as light comes out of their hands and hits the demon, setting him on fire. 

"Ahhh," he screams in pain as he dies and disappears. 

"Well that went well,'' Melinda states as they all hold hands so they can all orb back the house. Once they are there, they all go back to their respective rooms and Chris heads downstairs to study. 

When Wyatt and Clark reach the room, they close the door and kiss each other. 

"I miss kissing you, "Clark states 

"I miss kissing you too," Wyatt replies as he kisses Clark. After 3 seconds Wyatt smiles. 

"We have some studying to do." 

"That we do," Clark agrees as they hit the books. Soon enough after studying, they decided to take a break so they can grab a snack at a boba place and fries. Once they finish that they decided to head back home so they can continue studying for the same classes as well as reviewing for other classes finals until dinner. 

When Piper calls the kids for dinner, they have covered some of the material that is for not only Monday's final but also for Tuesday and Wednesday. Once they are finished with dinner, they clear the table and head upstairs to hit the books until late at night. Once they feel like they are worn out from studying, Clark and Wyatt decided to get ready for bed then get into Wyatt's bed. They kiss each other good night then drift off to sleep.



The alarm joints Wyatt from his slumber and he jumps off the bed. From there he paddles across his room and gets ready for the day. As soon as he did all the necessary things, he heads downstairs where he sees his siblings and parents are waiting for him. 

"Morning," he greets them. 

"Morning," the family greets him as Piper served him his breakfast.

"Eat up, you are going to need your strength for today's finals."

"Yeah," Wyatt replies as he agrees with his mom. Once he finishes breakfast, he waited a couple of minutes for his siblings so they can all leave for school using his car. Once they are all in his car, Wyatt pulls out of the driveway then heads to the school. From there they enter the school, park the car, and head to their respective classroom. Once they reach it, the final exams finally begin. 

After a full day of final exams and taking breaks and lunch, school is finally over and they head to Wyatt's car.  There they see Clark running towards them. 

"hey," Clark replies. 

"Hi babe," Wyatt replies as he kisses his boyfriend. "how did your finals go?" 

"Good," Clark states. "What about you?" 

"I did good," as Clark high-fives his boyfriend then turns to Chris and Melinda. 

"What about you guys?" 

"I did good," Mel replies as Chris nods his head stating, "Same." 

Clark grins as he heard this. 

"Want to grab some food now to celebrate" 

"Sure,' Wyatt replies as the siblings get inside Wyatt's car and Clark gets inside his truck. They all head over to the restaurant they agree on and order the food that they want. After waiting and eating the food, they all head home so they can study for the next few days for their finals. After studying they take a break then study some more until dinner is called. After they finished dinner they all head back to studying. After studying for a couple of hours, Wyat decided it is time to head to bed. He then gets ready for bed then gets inside his warm bed. Before he hits the hay he sends a text to his boyfriend. 

Good night babe, I love you.

There are three bubbles that pop up indicating that Clark is replying 

Night babe. I love you too

After reading that text, Wyatt drifts off to sleeping, going into his dreamland. 

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