Ch. 13

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Wyatt and Chris are in the sunroom discussing what they should do with their suspicion of Liam when Piper enters the room.

"What is going on?" Piper asks her sons.

"Nothing much," Chris replies as Wyatt just give his brother a look and Piper saw it.

"What is that about?" Piper asks curiously which makes Chris sighs a bit.

"I have a notion that Liam might be a demon," Chris states as Piper just looks at Chris like he is crazy.

"Are you out of your mind? This is Melinda's first boyfriend. You cannot just go around accusing him of being a demon," Piper scolds Chris.

"I know," Chris replies. "Which is why we need to keep this from Melinda for now since I don't want her to freak out."

"Okay," Piper replies. "How the heck are we going to that?"

"We will take care of that," Wyatt replies as Chris nods. Piper just sighs.

"Fine, but if you need any help, I am here," Piper states as Wyatt and Chris smiles.

"Alright" Chris replies as a ping indicating a text is received on Wyatt phone.

Hey. Liam wants to know if you and Chris want to come over for dinner -Mel

"Chris. Mel texted me telling me that Liam wants us for dinner," Wyatt states as he looks at the phone.

"Okay. I am down. We can see what's going on over there at the house," Chris replies.

"Cook," Wyatt nods as he texts Melinda back agreeing to come over to dinner. Once he is done he looks at the clock to see that it is 11:30 and grin.

"Well I am heading out to lunch and a movie with Clark," Wyatt announced as he grabs his stuff before heading out the door.

"Bye," Piper and Chris yell at him as he closes the door. He walks to the house next to his and rings the doorbell. Soon enough Clark opens the door and grins.

"Morning babe," Clark greets Wyatt and kiss him on the lips.

"Morning," Wyatt replies. "So where are we heading today?"

"It's a surprise babe," Clark replies as they both get into the truck and Clark hands Wyatt the blindfold.

"Are you serious?" Wyatt asks

"Yes," Clark replies as Wyatt just sighs as he puts on the blindfold. He hears Clark starts the engine and begins to pull out of the driveway. After driving for 10 minutes, Wyatt feels the car stop and hear the door open and Clark grabs his hand.

"Wait a few minutes before taking off the blindfold," Clark suggests as Wyatt just roll his eyes.

"Fine," Wyatt replies as Clark help him leave the car and lead him to the unknown place. Soon enough they stop somewhere and Clark grins.

"You can take off the blindfold babe."

As soon as Wyatt take off the blindfold, he gasps in awe. There he sees a blanket along with a picnic basket. "Wow, this is amazing. Thanks, babe."

"You are welcome," Clark replies as he takes out Wyatt's favorite foods which consist of bacon cheeseburgers, fries, and mash potatoes along with a bottle of cola for each of us.

"This is amazing," Wyatt whispers as Clark grins. "Thanks.

"You are welcome babe," Clark replies as Wyatt kisses him. They continue to eat and drink in silence.

"So what is next on the agenda," Wyatt asks.

"How about watch a movie and we will hang out until you have to go over to Liams."

"Sounds great," Wyatt replies as they finish up their lunch and pack up their stuff and head back to their car where Clark starts the car and drive to the outlet in San Francisco.

Once they arrive at the outlet , Clark and Wyatt window shop along with buying some of the necessities that are needed for the next day. Once it is almost time for dinner, Wyatt just sighs as he and Clark head back to the truck where they head over to Liam's house for dinner.

"Text me when it is done, okay?" Clark tells Wyatt as Wyatt just nod his head.

"Hey, it's a good thing that Liam is reaching out to you and Chris. Besides, how Chris going to get here?"

"My car," Wyatt states as Chris pull up to the curb and park the car. Once it is park, Chris gets out of the car along with Wyatt. Wyatt then turns to Clark and grin before making their way to the front of the house.

"Ready?" Chris asks.

"As ready as I will ever be," Wyatt replies as Chris rings the doorbell. Soon enough, Liam's mom opens the door and let them in.

"Please come in and make yourself at home," Mrs. Mendez states as we head inside and walk over to where Liam and Melinda are.

"Hey big bros," Melinda greet them as Wyatt and Chris hug her and shakes Liam's hand.

"So how are you guys?" Liam asks.

"Great," Chris replies as he sits next to Melinda while Wyatt sits next to Liam.

"So when is dinner?" Wyatt asks.

"Soon," Liam replies as he gets up. "I am going to get something to drink. Do you want anything?"

"Sure. Apple cider if you have it," Chris, Melinda, and Wyatt states as Liam nods his head as head over to the kitchen. From there he grabs his drink along with Melinda, Chris, and Wyatt. He drops something inside their drinks and leaves his drink in the kitchen so he doesn't mess it up. He grins evilly and heads over to where Chris, Melinda, and Wyatt are sitting.

"Here are your drinks," Liam states as he hands them to Wyatt Chris and Melinda.

"Thanks," They reply as they drink the drink.

"Wow, this is good," Melinda compliments Liam as she kisses him.

"Thanks love," Liam replies as he watches Wyatt and Chris drink.

"Dinner is serving," Mrs. Mendez announce as Wyatt, Chris and Melinda grab their drinks and head over to the table where they eat and talk for the rest of the night. Once they eat their fill, Melinda grins.

"Babe, dinner was amazing. I am going to head home with my brothers since its getting late and we have school tomorrow."

"Okay," Liam replies as he kisses Melinda goodnight and says bye to Chris and Wyatt while they all say bye to Mr. and Mrs. Mendez. They grab their coats and head to the car where Chris drive for the ten minutes. Once they are home, they head over to their rooms where they retire for the night because it is late, not know what they just consume will change their relationship as siblings forever. 

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