Ch. 4 Team up

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-Next day-

After dropping Clark at his house, Wyatt drove his car into the driveway and park it. He, Melinda, and Chris got out and head inside the house. There they get started on the potion to vanquish the Grimlocks.

"So once we have the potion, how the heck are we going to find it?" Chris asks.

"Well we will ask the kid question about his captives," Wyatt says. "It shouldn't be hard especially if we know Darryl."

"True, but he's a kid. They will not let us or Morris question him. He's a minor." Melinda states.

"Well, we should see if Aunt Phoebe can help with finding where to go to find them," Chris states.

"Well let's see the book before we drag Aunt Phoebe in," Wyatt says as he throws in shisandra root inside the ritual vessel with some orange candles. Once the potion is done, Chris and Melinda bottle the potions in potion bottles and head up to the attic where they learn that the Grimlocks live in the sewers. Wyatt put the bottles in Melinda's bag and grab his keys. As he is heading out the door, he runs into his mom.

"Where are you guys going?" Piper asks her children.

"Sewers," Wyatt states. I have the vanquishing potion.

"Okay, be careful," Piper states as she watches Wyatt pull out of the driveway.


Clark is still shaken by the message that was on the wall. After cleaning it up, he decides to go upstairs to do homework when he sees Wyatt's car pass his house.

Where are they off to? Clark thought. He then uses his super speed to follow the Halliwells. Once Wyatt arrives at the destination, he pulls over to the curb and park.

"This way to the sewers," Chris said as he heads off to the main entrance where the sewers are. They are oblivious that they are being followed by Clark. Once in the sewers, they use the flashlight to look around.

"No grim locks here," Melinda states as she follows her brothers around when one Grimlock show up. Melinda tries to get out the potion that is in her bag but she feels her aura is leaving her, choking her. She drops the potion to the ground.

Wyatt telekinetically throws the Grimlock across the room which makes Melinda able to breathe again. Unfortunately, another Grimlock shows up and begin taking Wyatt's aura when Clark arrive and body slams the Grimlock, distracting it.

"Clark," Wyatt exclaims surprised. When he looks over he sees that the Grimlock that he threw across the room have his focus on Clark while the one that got body slam by Clark is focusing on Chris. As a result, Clark and Chris begin to choke because their aura is in the process of being taken. Seeing this, Wyatt remote orb Clark to safety by yelling "Safety" at Clark. Once Clark is out of harm's way, he telekinetically throws the potion that is broken at the Grimlock's face instantly vanquishing him. Melinda flash the flashlight in the other Grimlock eyes, blinding him which then Chris throws the potion instantly vanquishing the other Grimlock. Wyatt rushes over to his brother and sister to check on them.

"You okay?" Wyatt asks.

"Yeah," Chris replies. "But Clark is apparently in shock."

Wyatt looks over to see a scared and shook Clark after the demon attacks him.

"What the hell was that?" Clark gasp.

"Clark I don't want you to find out about us like this." Wyatt states.

"Who are you, people? What is that thing?" Clark asks.

Wyatt looks over to his brother and sister. They nod.

Something Wicca-Alien This Way Comes.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora