Ch. 3"We know who you are.."

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Wyatt wakes with a start due to his internal clock telling him it is time to get up. He looks over to see it is 6:30. Sighing, he gets out of his bed and heads over to the bathroom where he does his morning routine. After showering, brushing his teeth, doing his hair and getting dress he comes back into his room to see that his brother is not up.

"Chris, get your ass up man," Wyatt exclaims as he pokes Chris awake.

"Five more minutes," Chris murmurs as he swats Wyatt hand away.

Tired of his antics Wyatt grab a pillow and threw it at Chris's head.

"Oww," Chris exclaims as he wakes up with a start. "What the hell was that for?"

"To get your lazy ass up." Wyatt states.

"I hate you."

"I love you too. Get dress and head downstairs for breakfast."

"Fine," Chris says, sighing as Wyatt walk out of the room and head downstairs when Melinda exits her room.

"So, Chris is still asleep?" Melinda asks.

"Yeah," Wyatt replies, shaking his head. "He will be down in a bit."

"Alright," Melinda says as she and Wyatt head to the kitchen where they see their parents already there and watching the news.

"Good morning," Wyatt and Melinda greet their parents.

"Morning," Leo and Piper greet their children. "Where's Chris?"

"He will be coming down soon," Wyatt responds. He looks over to the TV to see detective Morris answering questions about the missing child case. Soon enough a picture of a boy, around 11 appear on the TV.

Missing Child

Julian Hastings.

If any information please call the San Francisco Police.

On the TV:

A man and a woman is on,

"Julian, sweetie. We love you so much and we are not going to give up until you are found."

"Julian if you hear this, your parents are worried about you," a woman anchor inputs. "If you have any information about the missing child please call the number on the screen."

"I can't even imagine what the parents are going through," Piper states while plating the pancakes on her children and husband's plate. Chris finally arrives.

"What I miss," he asks.

"Missing child," Melinda inputs as she eats her pancakes.

"Is it just me or is it around the same times the first disappearance of the children like 19 years ago?" Leo asks.

"What are you talking about?" Wyatt asks, curiously.

"No," Piper states. "It is not that. We took care of it already. They can't be back."

"They?" Melinda asks. "They who?"

"It's nothing. Probably just some random person taking the child," Piper insists.

Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda all look at each other, knowing that their parents know something and doesn't want to worry them.

"Well, we better head over to school or else we will be late," Wyatt says finally.

"Yeah," Chris inputs. "Bye guys. We love you."

"Love you too," Piper and Leo says as they watch their children walk out the door. As soon as they are gone, Piper turns to her husband.

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