Ch. 19

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It's been a busy three weeks because the Halliwell teenagers and Clark have been focusing on their school work along with the demon hunting on the side. Wyatt and Chris finally told Melinda the truth of what happend to Liam. When they told her, she was shocked then mad but not at her siblings but at herself for not seeing Liam's true nature. Chris and Wyatt comfort her for awhile. After telling Melinda about Liam, they finally come clean to their parents about what happned to Liam. Piper was not happy with the fact that her sons kept it from them.

"Why didnt'you tell us sooner?" Piper scolded her sons when Wyatt justs sighs.

"I am sorry mom, but it won't make any difference if we tell you then or now, he still will be dead."

"I understand," Leo continues. "But what I don't understand is why we are giving hope to his family when we know the truth."

"That's what I am afraid of," Chris replies. "How the hell are we going to break it to them that their son is a demon and was killed by us."

"We don't," Piper replies. "We will tell Morris what happend and he will somehow bend the truth. He will state that Liam tried to run away but was murder during the process."

Everyone turns to Melinda to make sure she's okay.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" Leo asks his daughter.

"I am okay. It's the only way to protect our secret. We cannot let them know that their son was a demon. It would break their heart."

"I know," Piper replies as they called Morris and told him the truth. He finally sighs and state,

"I will spin the story that he was murder while he was trying to run away from his family."

"Thank you Darryl," Piper replies as she hangs up the phone and turn to her family,

"He just let the family know what happened to Liam."

"How did they take it?" Chris asks.

"Not well, I imagine," Piper continues as Leo just nods his head as Melinda sniffies as she silently cried for the love she lost not only to death but to evil as well.

Its been a week since Wyatt and Chris told Melinda the truth about what happen to Liam and she is still coaping with the information. Anyways this Saturday is prom so the boys decided to go to the mall with their sister, Melinda and Clark so they get their clothing for the dance after school. There they go to different shops so Wyatt, Chris and Clark can pick out their suits and Melinda can pick out her dress. After shopping around, Melinda, Chris, Wyatt and Clark decided to get some food at the food court. They decided to grab some McDonalds. Wyatt turns to his siblings and his boyfriend,

"What do you guys want?"

"I wil have the chicken nuggests combo," Chris replies as Clark nods with him agreeing.

Wyatt just smiles as he looks over to his sister, and Melinda smiles,

"I guess I will have the cheeseburger combo," as Wyatt nods his head and head over wait in line while Chris, Clark and Melinda gets them a table. After waiting around5 minutes, Wyatt orders 3 orders of the 10 piceces chicken nuggest combo and one order of the cheeseburger combination along with four drinks. After waiting for a couple of minutes, Wyatt returns to the table and give the food to his siblings and boyfriend. After eating a bit, they decided to continue to shop until they are satisfied with the clothing that they bought. They all get inside the car and drive back to their house where they are greeted by their parents. They ate their snacks and work on their homework and study whatever tests that is coming up. Finally the weekend arrives and and the boys and Melinda are excited for the dance that is happening tonight. They all hope that tonight will go out without a hitch. Wyatt, Chris and Melinda made plans to meet at their house before heading the dance at the school. Finally it is time to get ready and head over to the school. Wyatt is waiting for Clark to come over when the doorbell rings. Wyatt heads over to the door and open it. When he does that it reveals Clark in his suit, holding a boutonniere.

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