Ch. 25

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The alarm jolts Wyatt out of a deep slumber, making him groan. He tries to reach for the alarm when he feels another body in the bed. He opens his eyes to see a shirtless Clark sleeping. Smiling, he kisses Clark on the lips and puts his head on Clark's chest. Wyatt is drifting off to sleep when he feels Clark move.

"Morning," Clarks greets him as he kisses Wyatt's cheek.

"Morning," Wyatt replies while stretching. "What's the plan for today?"

"Well, I am thinking of hanging out with you and doing some training since we don't know when General Zod will attack."

"hmmm. Sounds good," Wyatt replies as the boys cuddle together for the next couple of minutes.

Finally, the boys decided to get up and head to the bathroom. There they take turns showering, brushing their teeth, and changing, they head downstairs. There they see Jonathan and Martha cooking breakfast.

"Morning mom and dad," Clark greets his parents as they smile and greets him and Wyatt.

"How did you guys sleep?" Johnathan asks.

"Good," Clark and Wyatt reply at the same time making Martha and Johnatan laugh.

"So what's on the docket today?" Martha asks as she serves the boys and Johnathan their breakfast.

"We are thinking of getting some lunch today and then probably train later on," Clark replies as Martha nods her head.

"Sound good," Johnathan states as they all finished with their breakfast, and Martha servers herself a plate. After eating, the boys head over to the sink to rinse their dishes and put them in the dishwasher. They then head upstairs to hang out a bit before heading out for lunch. From there they take Wyatt's car to The Olive Garden. From there, they have their lunch and enjoy each other company when Wyatt looks over at Clark with a puzzled look on his face. Noticing this Clark looks at his boyfriend frowning.
"What's a wrong babe?"

"I am just worried about you facing General Zod by yourself."

"I will be fine and I will not be alone," Clark replies as Wyatt nods his head.

"Okay. Are you going to train today?"

"Yup," Clark replies. "Along with you and your siblings and your mom and aunts."

"Sounds good," Wyatt replies as the boys continue eating their lunch. After eating their fill, they decided to go to watch a movie and hang out at the mall. Soon enough the boys head back to the Halliwell residence to train. From there, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige all help Clark out by making sure he can use his powers when he needs to. They also want to make sure that Clark is able to fight hand-to-hand combat as well. After a few more hours of training Clark with his powers and how to use them, they finally call it a day. Piper just grins and looks at Clark and her kids.
"You guys know what to do tomorrow right?"
Yup?" Clark and Piper's kids' reply as Piper, Phoebe, and Paige all smile.
"Alright let's get some dinner and a good night's sleep since we have a big day ahead of us," Leo states as the kids and the Halliwell witches all head to the kitchen where they all eat their fill. After eating and catching up with one another, Clark decided it was time for him to go home and say his goodbyes to the Halliwells.  after saying goodbye, he then heads towards the door and left the Halliwell resident and head down the stairs. He then makes and right and heads up the stairs of his house and unlocks it. There he sees that his parents are watching tv.
"Hi," Clark greets them as Martha and John turn around smiling
"Hi there. How was training," John asks
"Great but tiring so I am heading to bed."
"Okay," Martha states smiling.
"Good night," Clark states as he headed up the stairs
"Good night," his parents call after him as he nods his head. He then heads to his bathroom where he gets ready for bed by showering and brushing his teeth. He then changes into shorts. T-shirt.  He finally heads to his bed where he reads a bit then drift off to dreamland.

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