CH 12

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Three blue lights appear, revealing Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda. As they make their way through the dark corridor, Wyatt cellphone vibrates.

"Wow, cell reception is amazing down here," Wyatt mutters as Chris and Melinda roll their eyes.

"Hello," states as he presses the answer button.

'Babe, where are you?" Clark asks.

"I am in the underworld, hunting for demons with my siblings. What up?"

"Well, it's 6 in the morning on Saturday!!"

"So?" Wyatt states.

"So, shouldn't you be sleeping in?" Clark asks.

"Well I blame Chris," Wyatt mutters as Clark chuckles.

"It's not funny," Wyatt states. "Anyways I have to go because I need to focus if we are going to vanquish demons."

"Fine, I will talk to you later."

"Later. I love you," Wyatt says.

"I love you too Wy," Clark replies before hanging up. Wyatt follows his siblings throughout the corridor and stops when they hear something.

"Get behind that boulder," Chris whispers as Wyatt and Melinda nod in agreement. Soon enough two lower level demons arrive talking to one another.

"So, I hear that demons are having an uprising so they can find a new source."

"Really?" the other demon asks. "I wonder who is next?"

"Let's follow them," Wyatt whispers as Chris and Melinda nods. They follow the demons until they know for sure they are alone. That is when Wyatt makes his appearance known. He whistles, "Yo, scary demon."

The demons turn to him and see Wyatt. They both conjure fireballs and throw it at Wyatt who deflects them by telekinetically orbing them back at the demons by yelling, "Fireball." As a result, it kills those demons on the spot. Because the demons yell as they are being vanquished they attract more demons which were a breeze for Wyatt, Melinda, and Chris. Three demons arrive, ready to attack when Melinda notice they all have knives with them.

"Knives," Wyatt, Melinda, and Chris yell as they orb the knives from the demons and throw it at them, killing them instantly.

"Well that went swimmingly," Chris replies as another demon arrive but Wyatt took care of it by a potion they made.

"And now we can sleep," Wyatt states as they all orb home and go to their respectable rooms. As Wyatt and Chris about to their room, they see Clark fast asleep.

"Clark," Wyatt says as he shakes Clark awake.

"Hmmm?" Clark murmurs sleepily

"Babe, what you doing here?" Wyatt asks.

"To see you," Clark replies.

"Well go home, babe. Get some rest," Wyatt counters.

"Okay," Clark replies as Wyatt orbs Clark home and to his room. Wyatt then tucks Clark in.

"Wy, please stay." Clark murmurs.

"I cant' " Wyatt replies

"Why not?" Clark asks. "It just one night. I miss you and kind of scare. Please."

"Okay," Wyatt states as he undresses and gets into bed with Clark. Together they drift off to sleep but not before Clark wraps his arms around Wyatt and kiss his shoulder.


-11:00 AM Saturday-

The blare of Clark's alarm wakes both wake Wyatt and Clark.

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