Ch. 16

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Wyatt is in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal when his siblings come in apparently arguing.

"Why are you asking me why I am with Liam. Hello. It is not rocket science. He's my boyfriend."

"I know but I am just saying you can do so much better than Liam. Why Liam? What about him that catch your eye. Seriously."

"I am not having this conversation with you."

"Why?" Chris asks as he sits down and rolls his eyes."

"Siblings. What the heck is up with you two? It's way too early for me to deal with the sibling drama now."

"Sorry," Chris and Melinda murmur as I just nod my head.

"So are we going to vanquish the demon today?" Melinda asks.

"Yeah," Chris replies. "We should do the summoning spell as soon as we are done with school."

"I agree," Wyatt states as he grabs a banana and his wallet, keys, and backpack. He then turns to his siblings.

"Are you guys coming?" he asks them.

"Duh," Chris replies as they both grab a granola bar and their stuff and head to Wyatt's car. They get into it and Wyatt drives 10 minutes before arriving at the school parking lot. As they get out of the car, they see a truck pull up next to them and Clark get out.

"Hey guys," Clark greets them.

"Hey," they greet Clark as Clark grins at Wyatt and kiss him briefly on the lips.

"I thought you don't like PDA at school."

"Well to hell with that," Clark replies. "I love you and you deserve to be shown off."

"I will take that," Wyatt replies as he kisses Clark back and heads to their lockers where they grab the books that they need and head to class. Once they arrive there, the take notes and listen to the lecture. After a few classes, they finally go to break when Wyatt sees Liam and Melinda are talking. Actually more like yelling.

"Why are you doing this?" Melinda asks.

"Because I don't feel the same about you that's why," Liam reply as Melinda just shakes her head.

"Why date me in the first place huh?"

"It was a bet," Liam smirk as Melinda just scoff. She then slaps him across the face and scream,

"You ass," before she stomps off and Chris is furious. Wyatt is furious as well but is way more in control of his emotions.

"I can't believe that just happen."

"Same," Wyatt replies as he grabs his drink and chips. He's trying to find his sister when he hears crying in a classroom. He looks in to see Melinda crying. Wyat sighs and opens the door.

"Hey," Wyatt greets his sister.

"Hi," Melinda replies. "I see you heard what happen."

"Everyone did," Wyatt replies.

"How could I be so stupid?"

"You're not stupid. He is. Anyways you know what Grams says?"


"Use that piss off energy on the demon we are going to hunt."

"I like that idea," Melinda replies as they hug before letting go.

"So how are we going to do this?"

"Well we are going to need a summoning spell first but we will worry about that later today."

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