Ch. 22

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After finishing finals week, Wyatt, Clark, Chris, and Melinda finally get to relax and just hang out since the seniors are getting ready for college. Finally, grad night finally arrives and Wyatt and Clark are so excited about it. The grad night is at Six Flags the Discovery Kingdom.  While waiting for the time to go to the theme park, Wyatt and Clark are relaxing at home and watching Netflix while Wyatt's parents and siblings are at school and at work.  They were enjoying How to Get Away with Murder and enjoying their lunch when Chris and Melinda arrive home from school after finishing their finals.

"Hey, how were your finals?" Wyatt greets his siblings as they enter the house.

"Alright," Chris replies as Melinda just sighs.

"Totally kicked my butt," as Wyatt just smiles Melinda sits down next to him.

"I am sure you did fine," Wyatt comforts his sibling as Melinda smiles.

"Thanks. So are you going to the theme park tonight?" Melinda asks.

"Yeah," Wyatt and Clark reply as Mel nods her head.

"Have fun," She replies as Clark smiles

"I plan to," Wyatt nodded his head excitedly.

"That's good," Chris replies as he continues. " I cannot wait to go to grad night next year."

"Three more years for me," Melinda sighs as Wyatt giggles.

"It will come before you know it," Wyatt states as Mel nods her head.

"Okay," she replies as we continue to hang out and watch tv shows and movies since we have no homework to do.

After relaxing and chilling for a couple of hours, Piper and Leo finally arrive home from work where they decided to go out for dinner before Clark and Wyatt head over to the school for grad night. After finishing dinner the Halliwells all drive back to their house where they let Wyatt and Clark get ready for grad night while Chris and Mel get ready to go out with their friends. Finally, it is 6:30 and Leo decides to take Wyatt and Clark to the school so they can take the bus to the theme park.

Once the boys arrive at the school, they all look for their friends and check in with the teacher so they know which bus they get n which based on their last name. All of the buses have characters' names.

Once they learn which they get on, they walk over to get in line to go on their respective buses with their classmates. After waiting for a while, all the buses exited the school and all head to the theme park. Once they get there, everyone including their classmates all gets off the bus and heads over to the main entrance where they wait in line to get in. There were other schools that are at the theme park beside the boys' high school. After waiting in line and checking in at the main entrance, Clark and Wyatt all head over to go on the rides inside the theme park along with their friends and classmates. They also go dancing as well there is a dance floor place all around the theme park along with some music as well. Clark and Wyatt all dance the night away as well as wait in line to go on so many rides. Finally, it is seven in the morning and everyone is exhausted. They all wait for their buses and get on so they can be on their way back to the high school. During the trip back, Wyatt took a nap so he can function since graduation is at 7 that night.  Finally, they arrived at the high school. From there, Wyatt and Clark wait for Leo to pick them up. 

After arriving at Halliwell's house, the boys head to Wyatt's room where they took a nap because their graduation is at 7 that night. After a refreshing nap, the boys get ready for their graduation which includes showering and changing into their cap and gown. After they are ready, The Halliwell all took pictures of the boys, the parents, and Wyat's siblings together. After getting all the pictures, the Clarks and the Kents all head to the high school. 

Once they arrive at the high school, the boys head over to where their classmates are and check in so they know where to line up and sit down for their graduation ceremony. The Halliwells and the Clarks all head to the Stadium stands where they wait for their sons and brothers to walk in their graduation and I couldn't be prouder. 

Soon enough the graduation being and the progression started. After everyone walks in and takes their seats, the ceremony begins. There are a lot of speeches from guest speakers as well a speeches from the Principle. Finally, there is a speech from the valedictorian where he encourages his classmates to do their best outside in the real world and encourages them not to be afraid to take risks. After the speeches and the applause, the principal begins to call the student up to receive their diplomas in alphabetical order. One by one each student received their diploma until finally Clark's and Wyatt's names are called and they all can hear cheering from their family in the audience making them smile as they walk across the stage to the principal and shake his hand after receiving the diploma. Soon enough everyone's name is called and the Principle looks on at the students with great joy and smiles, 

"Congratulations everyone. I am so happy to announce that you have graduated from this high school. What you choose from now on is up to you. Whether you decided to go to college or go gain work experience in the field that you love. I want to let you know that I am so proud of you and that you should be proud of yourselves Congratulations Class of 2019. You did it." 

Everyone cheered and throw their caps in the air as everyone's family walk into the field so the families can take pictures of their graduates. After taking pictures with their classmates and families, Clark and Wyatt followed their families to the car where they all head over to a restaurant where can eat dinner and celebrate their sons' accomplishments. However, they do not know that there is an evil out there that is plotting to destroy everything that they have and hold dear. 



The source is discussing with the demons how to take out the Charmed one when General Zod appears and looks at the source.

"What are your plans for the witches?" 

"Don't worry about that," the source states. "You should worry about Kal El I will take care of the witches. If that doesn't go as plan then we can team up and take them out once and for all. 

"Alright," general Zod says as he disappears leaving the source grinning. 

"I will kill those witches if its the last thing I do," as he flames out 

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