Ch 18

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An alarm jolts Wyatt from his slumber. Sighing, he hit the snooze button then jump out of bed. He paddles across his bedroom to get to the bathroom where he starts his morning routine. After he is done with the routine, he heads back to his room to see that his brother is still asleep. Shaking his head, he shakes his brother awake but to no avail. Sighing, Wyatt finally slaps his brother's arm, making jolt from his slumber, surprised.

"What the heck? That hurt," Chris exclaims as Wyatt just rolls his eyes.

"Chris get up. We have school."

"Fine," Chris mutters under his breath as he gets out of bed and does his morning routine. After showering, brushing his teeth and getting dressed, Wyatt and Chris walk downstairs where they see their parents and Melinda are eating breakfast.

"Morning, they both greet their parents and sister.

"Morning," their family replies as Chris and Wyatt both grab bowls so they and put their morning cereal in. They begin to eat in silence when Wyatt's phone ping. It is from Clark

Hey babe. I will be taking you today if that's cool with you? Will your brother and sister need a ride?

Wyatt just grins as he types.

Sure. Thanks, babe. I will ask them.

Once he is done he turns to Chris and Melinda,

"Hey, Clark wants to know if you guys need a ride."

"Sure," Chris replies as Melinda just nods her head. Wyatt acknowledge them than text back,

Sure babe. They will also come with also.

After waiting a while, Wyatt's phone ping and it reads

Cool. see you in a bit.

After reading the text, Wyatt went back to eating his cereal. Once he is done, put the dirty dish inside the dishwasher and wait for his siblings to be done by watching tv.

Soon enough, Chris and Melinda finished their breakfast and head over to where Wyatt is sitting on the couch to watch tv. As they wait for Clark, the begin discussing what do do about the lower demon when Wyatt's phone ping indicating he just received text. It's Clark.

Hey, I am in my truck. You guys can come over now.

Smiling, Wyatt responds.

Alright. See you soon.

Wyatt then grabs his thing then call for his siblings that Clark is ready and in the car. They then head over to next door to see Clark is there. Clark's dressing a flannel shirt which is open, revealing a white t-shirt and jeans. Wyatt just smiles at Clark as he gets in the truck while his siblings are in the back of the truck. After a ten minute drive, Clark pulls into the parking lot and park in the available parking spot. Clark then turns off the engine and get out with the Halliwells behind him. As they are walking into campus they see a blood drive is going on and Ashlyn Michaels, the senior class body president is asking people to donate blood. She's handing out flyers when she sees the Halliwell's and Clark. Smiling her preppy smile she asks,

"Hey, guys. Do you want to be part of the blood drive?

"Sorry Ash, I can't. I hate needles and will be needing the blood for sports."

"No problem," she replies as she asks Clark, Melinda, and Chris who also deny the request to her dismay. Sighing, she looks over to where there are some people already waiting in line.

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