Ch. 2First Day of School

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The blare of the alarm arouses Chris from his deep slumber. Groaning, Chris opens his eyes so he can see what time it is. 4:30 AM.


After mentally hitting himself for telling Wyatt that they will go demon hunting before school, he finally gets up from the bed and get dress and brush his teeth. After coming back from the bathroom he sees that Wyatt is still asleep.

"Wyatt," Chris whispers shaking his brother up. "Wake up jerk face."

"What time is it?" Wyatt moans, slapping Chris hand away.

"4:30" Chris replies.

"4:30? It's in the middle of the night Chris," Wyatt complains.

"Well, you promise me that you will wake up early so we can go vanquish some demons before school."

"Remind me not to make any promises with you next time," Wyatt mutters as he gets out of bed to get dressed.

"Ready?" Chris asks his brother.

"As ready as I could be at 4:30 in the morning," Wyat mutters his annoyance. They both orb out and head to the Underworld.

Two identical blue orbs arrive, and Wyatt and Chris appear.

"It's now or never," Wyatt says and heads off to look for demons with Chris following him. Soon enough two demons arrive and Wyatt and Chris duck behind a boulder.

"Ready?" Chris whispers.

"Yeah," Wyatt replies as they watch the demons approach them.

"1,2, 3," Chris counted and flick his wrist, sending the demons through the air. Wyatt then throws two knives at the demons, instantly vanquishing them.

The noise of the screaming demons must have alarm other demons because two upper-level demons appear.

They summon fireballs and throw it at Chris, which he orbs out and orbs back in and send them across the air. They hit the wall knocking the air out of them.

Wyatt then threw two potions at the demons making them explode. Another upper-level demon arrive and throw an energy ball at Chris, which he avoids by yelling,

"Energy Ball" which he telekinetically orb the ball to him and throws it back at the demon, which supposes to vanquish the demon but did not.

"Spell," Chris yell at Wyatt as Wyatt vanquish two other demons with two potions that he kept handy.

Chris then orbs over to where is his brother after throwing another energy ball that he intercepted and grab Wyatt's hand while Wyatt chanted,

"When gone from the safety that is home.

Evils behold and evils roam.

The demon tries to throw a fireball at Wyatt but Wyatt blocks the ball by using his force field, protecting himself and Chris. This sends the fireball away from the boys and it hit a wall.

Brothers, we relive so you no longer breath

Due to planning unbroken and go bust,

Now this evil will become dust."

The demon screams as he explodes.

"Let's get out of here," Wyatt says as he and Chris orb out to go home. Soon enough they both orb into their room. Chris walk over to his clock to see it is 5:15.

"Now what?" Wyatt asks as he takes off his shirt and shorts.

"Bed," Chris replies as he does the same and get into his bed. Soon enough Wyatt and Chris drift off to sleep.

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