Ch. 6

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-Friday, Game Day, 6:30 P.M. -

Wyatt starting the warm-up and start tossing the football around. With his wide receivers and running back. After warming up for a bit, Wyatt decided to take a break. He runs over to get some Gatorade and drink it.

"You ready for the game?" Oliver asks Wyatt.

"Yeah man," Wyatt replies.

"Cool, give it your all man," Tyler states as he walks up to Wyatt. "What team?"

"WILDCATS" Yell the football players.

"Heads in guys," Coach yells as the players gather around him.

"1,2,3," Coach starts.

"Break," yell the team together. They run through the tunnels together and out to the field. Wyatt, Tyler, and Oliver walk together hand in hand to the middle of the field where they meet the referee.

"I want good game guys," the referee states. "What you call Wildcats.

"Heads," Wyatt inputs.

The referee tosses the coin and it is indeed head.

"We receive," Oliver calls.

"Wildcats receives," yells the referee.

The Lancers punts the ball to us and the game starts.

"Holy Crap," the announcer states, the Champs Wildcats are tied with the Lancers. The winner of this game will be the team to beat for the rest of the season."

The defensive team switch with the offensive team.

"Wy," the coach whispers to Wyatt. "Do the 28 guard play." Wyatt just nods his head. He heads over to where his team is at.

"28 guard guys," Wyatt told his team.

"You heard the man," Tyler states.

"Ready, Wildcats," the football players yell.

"Down, 28 guards, 28 guards, hike," yells Wyatt.

As soon as Tyler hike the ball to Wyatt, Wyatt runs the play, making sure that it is the right play.

"Holy Moley, the Wildcats wins. 29-21!!!"

The crowd cheers in unison while the crowd on the opposing team fades away. The Wildcats sing their alma mater and the players dispersed to the locker room. As Wyatt heads to the locker room, he sees Clark along with his family.

"Congrats on the win," Clark states grinning.

"Thanks, man," Wyatt replies.

"Party time?" Chris grins

"Yeah," Wyatt states. "P3?"

"As always," Melinda grins. She turns to Clark. "You coming too right?"

"Yeah," Clark replies grinning.

"Wait for me guys," Wyatt states.

"Sure," replies Chris, Melinda, and Clark says.

Wyatt heads over to the locker room where he takes a shower and change. After changing he meets up with his siblings and Clark at their designated spot. As they are walking to Wyatt's car, PJ shows up.

"Hey, mind if I join?"

"Nope," Melinda replies grinning. "Does Aunt Phoebe know that you're coming with us?"

"Hold on," PJ states as she texts her mom. "Now she does as she enters Wyatt's call. A ping indicating she receives a text.

"Well, she's alright with it as long as you guys are there. Plus Aunt Paige will be there too."

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