Ch. 8

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Wyatt is at the stove, making a potion when Chris and Melinda walk in.

"What you doing?" Melinda asks as she looks at brother.

"Making a potion," Wyatt replies as he throws in ingredients after ingredients.

"For which demon?" Chris asks.

"Upper-level demon," Wyatt states as he throws in the flesh of the demon. He steps away from the stove and throws in the pig's foot which ignites the potion.

"How you got the flesh for the potion?" Melinda asks.

"Demon attack this morning while you were asleep."

"You joking?" Chris asks.

"Nope, so I decided to skin him a bit to make this potion," Wyatt states as he put the potion into the vile.

"We have the potion now, how we going to find the demon," Melinda asks.

"I left a trace of me so he will know where we are. Plus he wants revenge since I did slice him open," Wyatt states grinning as a demon appear.

"Miss me," the demon asks as he throws a fireball at the siblings. However, Chris telekinetically deflects it, giving time for Wyatt to throw the potion at the demon which makes the demon screams as he explodes.

"So much for a relaxing weekend," Melinda states as heads upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Wyatt asks.

"To shower and get ready for my date with Liam," Melinda replies grinning.

"Have fun," Wyatt states smiling as Chris just shakes his head.

"Will dad be okay with this?" Chris asks.

"Yeah, besides dad already scared Liam into being the amazing boyfriend that Melinda deserves."

"Yeah," Chris laughs as they remember how Liam was freaking out as he meets the Halliwells for the first time on Friday.

"At least dad approve and let Melinda date him," Chris mused as he grabs a bowl and a box Honey Nut Cheerios.

"Yeah," Wyatt replies as he also grabs a bowl and pour some of the cereal and add the milk.

"What's on the docket?" Wyatt asks his brother when his parents enter the kitchen.

"Morning," Piper says as she sees the scorch mark on the rug. "Why is there a scorch mark on the rug?"

"Upper-level demon vanquish," Chris replies as he gets up and head over to the sink where he rinses his dirty dish and put it in the dishwasher.

"Okay," Piper replies as she looks at Wyatt. "You going out with Clark?"

"Yeah," Wyatt replies as he put his dirty dishes in the dishwasher after rinsing it. He then heads upstairs to change when his brother come out of the bathroom.

"What you doing today?" Chris asks.

"Going out with Clark," Wyatt replies. "You?"

"Group date with Crystal, Owen, and Stephanie," Chris replies as he heads downstairs with Wyatt behind him.

"Bye," Chris and Wyatt yell as their exit the house. Chris then walks over to the car where he sees Owen is behind the wheel and get in. Owen then pulls away from the curb and head off to the mall. Wyatt on the other hand head over to his car where he sees Clark, waiting.

"Morning babe," Wyatt states as he kisses Clark.

"Morning," Clark replies as he kisses Wyatt back. "Ready?"

"Yeah," Wyatt replies as he gets in the car with Clark and starts it. He then drives over to the mall where he sees some of the high school students are there hanging out with friends or their date. Wyatt just grins as he begins to window shop with Clark when he sees Melinda with Liam, talking and laughing.

"Isn't that your sister?" Clark asks.

"Yeah and that's Liam. She's dating him and we approve so far."

"Really?" Clark asks.

"Yeah," I reply as we watch Melinda and Liam head over to the movie theater.

"Okay, so you wanna catch a movie too or just head over to my place after lunch ?" Clark asks.

"Your place after lunch," Wyatt replies as they head to the food court where they head over to Panda express.

"What are you going to get?" Wyatt asks Clark.

"The plate," Clark replies. "You?"

"Same," Wyatt states as they wait in line for their turn. When it is their turn, Wyatt order white rice, orange chicken and Kung pow chicken with water while Clark order half chow mein, half fried rice, honey sesame shrimp and orange chicken with a Gatorade. Once they pay for their food, they head over to the table and sit down and begin eating.

"How you enjoy your class?" Wyatt asks between bites.

"Good," Clark replies as he swallows his food. "Kind of kicking my butt a bit."

"Yeah, same," Wyatt replies. "But it is all good."

"Can't imagine how you study and kick demon ass at the same time."

"Same here," Wyatt states. "I wonder the same too but I have a few tricks up my sleeve."

"Seriously?" Clark asks.

"Yeah," Wyatt replies, grinning as they continue to eat in silence. As soon as they are finished, they both get up and head to the trashcan where they throw away their trash and head to the bathroom.

"So now what?" Wyatt asks as they both wash their hands.

"Head to my house?" Clark asks grinning.

"Sure," Wyatt replies as they exit the bathroom and to the area where Wyatt park his car.


Wyatt heads home and once arrives, he sees that he got a call from his parents.

"What's up?" Wyatt asks.

"Just FYI there are darklighters around the neighborhood so just be careful," Leo states.

"Alright," Wyat replies grinning as he exits the car with Clark behind him.

"It's late and I am tired so I am just going to retire," Clark states while looking at his boyfriend.

"Alright," Wyatt replies grinning as he kisses Clark goodnight and head into his house where he gets ready for bed. Once he is ready, he walks over to the bed and gets in when he sees a message from Clark.

Night babe, I love you.

Wyatt grins as he replies,

Night I love you too.

He then drifts off to a deep sleep.


Kent's house.

Clark is walking into his house when a noise caught his attention. He turns around to see black orbs appears revealing a darklighter. 

"Who are you?" Clark asks.

"Your worst nightmare," the guy says as he conjures the crossbow and points it at Clark and shot it. Clark, seeing that it is heading towards him try to avoid it by using his laser beam which is effective. However, another darklighter appear behind him and shot him with the arrow which hit him in the back.

Groaning out in pain and panic he looks at the darklighter.

"How?" he asks as he looks down as he sees that he is bleeding out.

"The arrow has Kryptonite," both darklighter says as they orb out.

Clark tries to fight to keep his eyes open and cry for help but it was no use. Knowing that he is dying he calls out the name that matters the most to him, hoping that he will hear him.

"Wyatt," Clark gasps out as he feels his eyes lose and enter to darkness. 

Something Wicca-Alien This Way Comes.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon