Chapter 5

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Nicole's companions glared at her wondering why they found her such an irritation. She had never been before. Now, in the middle of the forest, she came across as an annoyance. Knocking at the door, Nicole stepped back, hoping whoever was inside would not necessitate her using the sword on her belt. As the door opened, a face appeared, one Nicole instantly recognised. "Jake? Why are you here?"

"He's here because he's part of this world," Robin said. "He works for the wizard."

"That is correct," Jake replied. "Come in, it's getting cold with the door open."

The three entered the cottage, moving towards the glowing fire, glad to be inside in the warmth. "What's the deal with you and this wizard?" Jeremy asked, noticing Robin looking at him. "What?"

"You're not bleating. Say baa, baa, black sheep."


"Oh nothing. Nicole, I don't hate you."

"It doesn't matter. It was the forest."

"That's right. The forest of whatever it's called. I just had the urge to say mean things to you. I didn't want to, but I couldn't help myself."

"I know," Nicole replied, not convinced.

"When have I ever said anything that hurtful to you?" Robin pressed.


"Welcome, welcome, one and all," Jake interrupted. "Yes, the Forest of Foreboding is not a pleasant experience. I'm afraid when you leave here you will encounter its effects once more. However, this time you will understand what it is doing to you. Who would like apple pie?"

Robin's hand shot up. "Me, me, with cream."

"Remember what we said outside," Jeremy cautioned. "Nothing until we're sure."

"But, it's apple pie. With cream, tell me you have cream."

"The best," Jake said. "One slice, what's the harm in one slice?"

"If I was still outside," Robin replied, "I'd probably tell you. However, I'm inside and that pie needs to be inside me."

Jeremy pulled Robin to one side. "This could be a trick. I'd prefer it if you didn't eat a slice."

"And, I'd prefer it if I did. Look, how about I try it and if anything happens to me, you know not to eat it."

"Too much of a risk."

"I'm prepared to take one for the team. Jake, a slice of your finest pie please."

Nicole shook her head, still upset her friends turned on her, saying things that stabbed at her heart. She wasn't usually this sensitive, but having revealed her deepest fear in front of those she trusted it felt like a bigger betrayal. It was as though the forest knew exactly how to wound her at a depth from which she wasn't sure she could recover.

Jeremy approached holding up his hands. "I can't stop him. Once he gets something in his head."

"Robin," Nicole snapped. "Don't eat the pie. Look, I'll use one of my wishes if necessary. If you're that hungry."

Robin smiled. "No, you need those. Jake's okay, he wouldn't do anything to harm us. Would you Jake?"

Jake shook his head. "I wouldn't. There's no harm in trying. Why don't you all sit down and I'll cut each of you a slice."

"No," Nicole said, more forcefully than she intended. "We do not eat anything."

Jake shrugged. "Suit yourself. Just one slice then. Robin, pull up a chair, let me go get the cream."

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