Chapter 13

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Nicole's change of heart boiled down to two things, Jake's trickery and the fairies' assistance. Jeremy was right, there were those on her side and those who sought to sabotage her efforts. If she had one more wish she would use it to rescue Jeremy, knowing he would support her no matter what was thrown at them. Still, she had the rose, the flute and the cape which allowed her to see the truth of a situation. That's why the girl wanted me to have it, she thought, as the fairies sped on their way. And, that's why Robin, no Jake didn't want me to wear it. I would have realised it was him.

The fairy lord hovered by her ear. "We are about halfway to the forest you require. We are not permitted to enter, but we shall remain at the edge for your return."

"What do I do when I reach the castle wall? I don't have the rope, or the carpet. There's no way I'll be able to get in."

"You have the white rose," the fairy lord replied. "I can smell its beautiful fragrance."

"And, what do I do with the rose?" Nicole asked. "Do I give it to someone?"

"You ask it to grow."

"Right. Silly me. How?"

The fairy lord chuckled. "My, my, you really don't know how it works here, do you? You play the flute and the rose will climb. Use it to enter the tower where I believe the dancer is imprisoned."

"Of course. Why didn't I think of that? Then what?"

"Use the rose to climb down, follow the path back out, where we will be waiting."

"Got it. Path, flute, rose, tower, rescue, path. Simple enough. No wait, I don't have the lantern. I won't be able to see where I'm going."

"We will give you a bag of fairy dust. Sprinkle it on the path and you will see the way."

"And, what about this enchantress? You said she resides in the forest. What do I do if I meet her?"

The fairy lord sighed. "Whatever you do don't give her the cape. You won't be able to find your way out without it."

"Always a catch," she said. "Thank you for helping me. I wouldn't know how to do this on my own."

The fairy lord bowed, his wings continuing to flap as they journeyed towards their destination. "We help those who are true, who seek our help without realising they need it. We heard you in the forest. It is quiet for that reason."

"Ah yes, sorry about that. I was a little stressed being tied to a tree. I apologise for swearing."

"We heard your heart calling. That's what we listen for. Words are of little consequence, often spoken in haste, not always meaning what is said. But, a person's heart can always be relied on to tell us what is true."

"So the forest is super quiet so you can hear a person's heart."

"Correct. We are nearing our destination. Give my love to Waverly. Tell her we'll be waiting."

"I will. Sorry, sorry, one more thing. Jake, the one who tied me to the tree said the witches were coming to play. I didn't see any."

"The cape. It hides you in plain sight. However, their noses are keen. They would have been drawn to the fragrance of the rose."

"Guessing that's why Jake left the items. To entice the witches to find me."

The fairies swooped lower and lower until Nicole's feet touched the ground, allowing her to stand upright. Handing her a sack of fairy dust they wished her good fortune, rising up into the sky once more. Nicole took a deep breath, not relishing the prospect of entering yet another dark wood, or the possibility of encountering the enchantress. Despite what the fairy lord said about the blue cape's abilities, she really didn't want to meet anyone else who would seek to sabotage her mission, or worse.

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