chapter 4

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Liam's p.o.v
Left,right,left I said in my head as I punch my punching bag.

"Oh come on Payne my grams can punch harder than you and she's dead harder"My trainer yelled. I growled and continued punching shaking my head as sweat drips down my face.

I hear my coach sigh and seconds later the bag was getting lifted I looked over at him

"What!"I snapped wiping my face.

"You are slacking Payne!"I rolled my eyes.

"Liam Payne does not slack"I huffed my trainer and coach laughed

"Yeah you kinda do,"My trainer said.

"Give us 10,"My coach Bill said .My trainer nodded and walked away"What's going on Liam?"I raised my eyebrow.

"Umm, nothing"bill looked at me"Why?"

"Because I feel like you lost your edge"I pulled away from him.

"My edge,I haven't lost shit"I growled Bill huffed.

"Ok, maybe not your edge but I feel like you lost track of why you fight these last couple of fights there's no emotion .You look like your fighting cause you have to,not cause you want to"I walked over to the chairs against the wall , sat down and drunk some water.

"What I'm saying is you lost your motivation"I stayed quiet"look I'll see you next week think about what I said to try to find your motivation again ok"he said as he patting my back and leaving.

I sighed and pulled out my phone I saw I had 7 miss calls from Dani and 20 texts probably from her too. So nice she knows that I go train on Thursdays yet she still feels the need to spam me every 5 minutes.

I cleared my screen and went straight to my music I was about to put my headphones in when a pair of legs appeared in front of me

"Hi, dad"I looked up and see Andy standing in front of me smiling.

"Hi, son what are you doing here?" He shrugged and sat down beside me.

"So dad you know my birthday's coming up"I chuckled and nodded.

"How much is it?"Andy's face dropped as he stood up.

"Not everything is about money dad!"He yelled my eyes widen.

"Ok, then what do you want?"I said shrugging and sitting back in my chair

"I wanna travel back to America"I looked up at him

"Absolutely not you are too young to go by yourself"Andy sighed.

"OK then come with me"I shook my head.

"Your mother is not going to come with us when she has her work up here"Andy rolled her eyes.

"I don't care, leave Dani. It can just be me and you"Andy huffed.

"Andy you will not call your mother by her first name,"I said sternly.

"She's not my mom"He mumbled. I sighed and placed my hands on my face and slide them down.

"Andy are we seriously still in this phase. I don't know how many times, I have to explain to you that Dani is your mother. I understand that Dani wasn't here you like she was-"

"That she is Larissa ,my mother,"Andy corrected me. My heart clenched it's been Awhile since I even said her name. I cleared my throat.

"Like I was saying, Dani, is here now and you have to learn to start respecting that"Andy stayed quiet"Why do you even wanna go to America anyway?"I asked him.

"To see an old friend.It looks like that won't happen,now."He snapped and walked away. I groaned great my own son hates me now .Every since he was 8 he just had hate towards Dani. Andy and I had drifted apart as the years went by.

All we do is give him love but it's like it's not enough like some things missing. I sighed and picked up my bag I suddenly don't feel like working out anymore I said my goodbyes and headed to my car.

"Hi excuse me, Liam,"a voice said from behind I turned around a man and women stood in front of me.

"Yes?" I said smiling.

"I was wondering if we could get a picture we love your boxing big fans," the man said I smiled and nodded.

"Thanks and sure,"I said as I wrapped my arm around the lady and smiled at the camera,I took a picture with the man too.

"thank you so much have a great day,"the lady said as she walked away with her boyfriend or whatever .I got in my car and left before I pulled off I got once again another text from Dani saying we need to talk I groaned and sent a quick ok and pulled off.

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